GÖTEBORG FÅR INTE BLI SOM STOCKHOLM En fallstudie om policyöverföring inom hyresrättsombildning
Housing segregation is an increasingly salient issue in Swedish cities and the concentration of public rental housing in outer residential areas is often blamed for contributing to this problem. While new construction is the main tool for achieving housing mix, tenure conversion is a relatively new tool being put to use in Swedish municipalities. However, privatization is a controversial practice and the tenure conversion tool has been criticized for being blunt and ineffective as a measure for housing mix. When Gothenburg's municipal council adopted a far-reaching tenure conversion policy in 2021, concern was raised about the policy actually leading to an increased economic sorting as a similar policy in the Swedish capital did. This thesis examines whether learning between municipalities has taken place in this case. The case study compares the housing tenure conversion scheme in Gothenburg with similar policies in place between 1998 and 2011 in Stockholm. Interviews with key local actors and housing policy documents provided the basis for the comparison. An analytical framework from the policy transfer theory was used to interpret the results. The conclusion of the study is that the tenure conversion scheme now in place in Gothenburg can be understood as a policy transferred from Stockholm. More specifically the policy is to be seen as an emulation of the universal model for tenure conversion in place in early 2000’s Stockholm. The transfer process involved local conservative parties in Gothenburg conducting lesson drawing of policy goals and policy content from the context of Stockholm municipality.
Student essay