Polisens arbete mot sexköp – gräsrotsbyråkrater, eldsjälar och projektmakare
Aims and objectives:
Previous research highlights the need for following up and evaluating the methods and
operations that are currently in use to prevent the purchase of sexual services. With regards to
the police as street-level bureaucrats with discretion that allows them to, a certain degree,
delegate their work, this study aims to add insight in how policemen and policewomen in
Gothenburg perceive the efforts against prostitution. The areas that are of focus in the study
are mainly work methods, experiences of collaboration and the significance of the personal
commitment in regards to this work.
Method and data:
The study was conducted by qualitative semi-structured interviews with twelve policemen
and policewomen that have participated or actively participate in efforts against prostitution
in Gothenburg, Sweden. The interviews took place between the time period of March 2022
and May 2022.
The results indicate that much of the police's work against prostitution is characterized by the
special circumstances that define the work of street-level bureaucrats, including chronically
insufficient resources and involuntary clients. In addition, the police's discretion enables
individuals' involvement in the work, which is of importance for both action measures within
each local police area as well as collaboration with external actors in the efforts against
Student essay
Hirvonen, Roxanne
Askenbom, Petronella
prostitution, police, collaboration, discretion, enthusiasts, street-level bureaucrats