The Banach-Tarski paradox
In this thesis we present a proof of the Banach-Tarski paradox, a counterintuitive result that
states that any ball in R3 can be cut into finitely many pieces and then be reassembled into
two copies of the original ball. Since the result follows from the axiom of choice it is important
for assessing its role as an axiom of mathematics. A related result that we also include is that
the minimal number of pieces in such a decomposition of any ball in R3 is five. The proof uses
the paradoxicality of the free group on two generators and the existence of a free subgroup of
the special orthogonal group SO3.
We also give a proof of Tarski’s theorem, which states that the existence of a finitely
additive, isometry invariant measure normalizing a set is equivalent to that set not being
paradoxical. The proof makes use of the Hahn-Banach theorem and relies on the concept of a
group acting on several copies of a set.
Student essay
Elofsson, Carl
Nilsson, Adrian
Söderberg, Nicolas
Westlund, Tim