HON ÄR EN JOBBIG TJEJ: Om könshierarkier på ett svenskt startupföretag
Startup companies and their company culture influenced by Silicon
Valley tech companies are becoming more and more popular. This paper aims
to see how a startup company like this, that prioritise a flat organization,
benefits such as ping pong tables and free beer as well as striving towards
diversity, perceive gender hierarchies. The paper investigates the experience of
women working in a Swedish startup company as well as how gender
hierarchies and gender roles reproduce within the organisation and how these
relate to the idea of a flat organisation that has a diverse and open company
culture. It is a qualitative study based on an ethnographic field work in a
Swedish startup company. In studying this issue the paper shows that women
experience obstacles within the organisation and that gender hierarchies and
gender roles are being reproduced through ideas about female and male coded
knowledge, behaviours, and characteristics. The conclusions have been reached
through analysing the material with the theory of performativity as well as three
papers with concepts relating to masculine management styles, dualisms
between gender roles and the reproduction of gender hierarchies and male
norms within organisations. The study is made with qualitative methods, both
participant observation but mainly semi-structured interviews conducted with
employees and managers.
Student essay
Britschgi, Julia
company culture
gender hierarchies
gender roles