KLIMATORON OCH KOSTNADERNA FÖR DEN GRÖNA OMSTÄLLNINGEN - En studie om skillnaden mellan stad och landsbygd inom EU
The world is in crisis. Climate change is steadily heating up our planet and it’s a race against
time. Research suggests that it’s urgent that we act now in order to provide a sustainable
planet for the future generations. The climate conference in Paris 2016 was the start of a new
age, since then, both countries and organizations have proposed different climate laws/targets
to prevent the planet from overheating. Has this been enough for citizens to realize the
immense threat that the planet is facing? This paper aims to provide more knowledge to the
research field of region based enviromental attitude research in the context of the euopean
union as a whole. Previous research on the topic of enviromental attitude and climate concern
have mainly focused on a specific country or a few countries. This multi-national comparrison
will focus on climate concern and how it relates to the size of community an individual lives
in the EU (urban or rural). It will also take to account green transition costs, meaning rising
taxes on fossil fuels and energy prices to the urban-rural perspective.
Student essay
Nermo, Otto
Klimatoro, gröna kostnader, landsbygd, stad