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dc.contributor.authorLepp, Margret
dc.contributor.authorLarsson, Stina
dc.contributor.authorHöglund Arveklev, Susanna
dc.contributor.authorBerg, Linda
dc.description.abstractKnowledge about conflict management is necessary in today’s increasingly stressful working environment in the health and medical system, because the working climate affects the staff and increases the risk of interpersonal conflicts. If these conflicts are not resolved or if they are dealt with incorrectly, they can have a negative impact on both the organization and the healthcare staff and patients. The present report deals with how the subjects nursing, conflict management and drama education can be integrated and used to support nursing students’ learning with focus on conflict management. The report highlights the teaching component of conflict management in the course Leadership and Learning (OM4380) 15 ECTS credits. The course is given during the last year of a total of three years in the nursing programme at the University of Gothenburg, the Sahlgrenska Academy, the Institute of Health and Care Sciences. The teaching task of conflict management with drama has been implemented since 2008. The report is intended to be used as an educational tool and is aimed at anyone who seeks knowledge about how drama education can be used with focus on conflict management. It is aimed at students, teachers and practically active in education, health and care where the meeting between student, caregiver, patient and related party is crucial for the development of professional competence and high quality of care.en_US
dc.format.extent50 pagesen_US
dc.publisherCentre for Culture and Health, University of Gothenburgen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHögskolepedagogisk skriftserie (Publications on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) 2022:02en_US
dc.titleDrama Pedagogy in Nursing Education – Learning about Conflict Managementen_US
dc.contributor.organizationThe unit for Pedagogical Development and Interactive Learning (PIL), University of Gothenburgen_US

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