”HUR SKA JAG HANDSKAS MED DEN ELEVEN JAG HAR IDAG?” En fenomenografisk intervjustudie om elevassistenters och specialpedagogers uppfattningar om handledning för elevassistenter
Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate how special educators and
student assistants perceive supervision for student assistants and what they think
about potentially using part 3 "Interactions" in the research-based observation
tool "Communication Supporting Classrooms" in supervision. This was done by
using a phenomenographic approach.
Theory: As the focus of the study is on supervision and in this, communication and inter action, two theoretical perspectives were chosen as the basis. The sociocultural
perspective where communication and interaction are necessary for learning, as
well as the variation theory where variation is necessary for a learning to take
place. These two theories have similarities but also complement each other.
Method: The collected data material was based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews
with four special educators and four student assistants with varying back grounds, at primary schools in a large municipality in Sweden. The interviews
were transcribed and analyzed through a phenomenographic analysis model in
seven steps with a focus on referential and structural aspects. As a result, a few
description categories have emerged that show qualitative differences in
perceptions of supervision for student assistants.
Result: The informants of the study have experience of supervision in different ways.
However, it emerges that student assistants often must seek support on their
own. The results show that supervision for student assistants should contribute
to manageability and lead to a change in practice. The content is completely
dependent on the situation, but the informants emphasize a focus on the
professional role of student assistants and their work situation here and now, and
how students are viewed are important to discuss. Special educators have a
preventive and promotional purpose for supervision, while student assistants
demand a remedial purpose. There is a consensus that both group and individual
supervision are needed. The greatest variation in perceptions emerges regarding
the supervisor role. According to the study's informants. Psychologist, coun selor, staff from special needs compulsory school and student assistant who
knows the student well are suggested as suitable supervisors. Regarding
"Communication Supporting Classrooms Observation Tool" Part 3, as a pos sible basis in supervision, the informants believe that the tool can be used to
support special educators in the supervision assignment and support student
assistants in their role. Among positive perceptions of the tool, it is emphasized
that it is evidence-based and can have a preventively and promotingly function.
Student Essay
Hedvall, Natalie
elever i behov av särskilt stöd
Det kommunikationsstödjande klassrummet