School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1141-1160 of 1831
Market Structure and the Stability and Volatility of Electricity Prices
(2008-11-06)By using a novel approach in this paper,(λ,σ²)-analysis, we have found that electricity prices most of the time have increased in stability and decreased in volatility when the Nordic power market has expanded and the ... -
Poverty Transition and Persistence in Ethiopia, 1994-2004
(Elsevier, 2008) -
Land Reform, Trust and Natural Resource Management in Africa
(2008-10-27) -
The Wealth Paradox Revisited: Credit Market Imperfections and Child Labor
(2008-10-24)We revisit the model of child labor in a peasant household presented in Bhalotra and Heady (2003), and demonstrate that the effect of credit market imperfections on child labor differs between households that save and ... -
Resource Conflict in Vulnerable Environments: Three Models Applied to Darfur
(2008-10-23)A recurring argument in the global debate is that climate deteriora- tion is likely to make social conflicts over dwindling natural resources more common in the future. In this paper, we present a modelling framework ... -
Child Labor: A Review of Recent Theory and Evidence with Policy Implications
(2008-10-23)In recent years, a growing number of authors have turned their atten- tion to the question of why children work. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the more recent theoretical and empirical research into the ... -
Science for sale – build or criticize science as trademark
(2008-10-21)Over history science has, in a more and more agnostic world, come to replace religion as the most important hegemonic factor how to decide what is correct and what is incorrect, what is necessary and what may not be done, ... -
Intelligent suicide?
(2008-10-21)This is an essay discussing how far the limits of intelligence can be stretched, without risking that it becomes counter-productive. It focuses primarily on Sweden and the concretisations are Swedish. However, I believe ... -
Fast Track Land Reform and Agricultural Productivity in Zimbabwe
(2008-10-21)In the year 2000 the government of Zimbabwe launched the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) as part of its ongoing land reform and resettlement programme, which seeks to address the racially skewed land distribution ... -
Tenure Security and Investments: Micro-evidence from Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform Programme
(2008-10-21)The government of Zimbabwe launched the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in 2000 as part of its ongoing land reform and resettlement programme aimed at addressing a racially skewed land distribution. Its goal has ... -
Trespassing entrepreneurship – bridging business and community development
(2008-10-17)The prime objective of this article is to explore the phenomenon of ‘trespassing entrepreneurship’, i.e. combined business and community entrepreneurship. The purpose is to explore two questions: How do ‘trespassing ... -
Efter lönesamhället - Om glesbygden som framtidsmodell
(2008-10-17)Det här kapitlet spanar in i framtidens arbetsliv och kontraktsrelationer utifrån den allmänna sanningen att det system vi lever i idag – och som byggts upp och etablerats under en längre tid – kommer att ersättas av ... -
Trespassing entrepreneurship – bridging business and community development
(2008-10-15)The prime objective of this article is to explore the phenomenon of ‘trespassing entrepreneurship’, i.e. combined business and community entrepreneurship. The purpose is to explore two questions: How do ‘trespassing ... -
Efter lönesamhället - Om glesbygden som framtidsmodell
(2008-10-15)Det här kapitlet spanar in i framtidens arbetsliv och kontraktsrelationer utifrån den allmänna sanningen att det system vi lever i idag – och som byggts upp och etablerats under en längre tid – kommer att ersättas av något ... -
Part-Time Sick Leave as a Treatment Method?
(2008-10-09)This paper analyzes the effects of being on part-time sick leave compared to full-time sick leave on the probability of recovering (i.e., returning to work with full recovery of lost work capacity). Using a discrete ... -
Affärsstrukturer och entreprenörskap – New Builders
(2008-10-06)Habitual entrepreneurs building complex business structures are despite of their importance and media exposure little researched. Our paper has this category in focus and our research questions besides the entrepreneur ... -
Introducing the New Rhetoric into organization studies
(2008-10-03)The purpose of this paper is to introduce the New Rhetoric and show its relevance for organisation studies. The expression “New Rhetoric” refers here to the theory of argumentation that Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca ... -
Producing Difference in Organizing – Attempts to Change an Ethnic Identity into a Professional One
(2008-10-02)This paper reports how municipalities, state agencies and other organizations working with the induction of newly-arrived immigrants in Sweden cooperate in establishing a system for assessing the immigrants’ competencies ... -
Affärsstrukturer och entreprenörskap – New Builders
(2008-10-02)Habitual entrepreneurs building complex business structures are despite of their importance and media exposure little researched. Our paper has this category in focus and our research questions besides the entrepreneur ...