School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1621-1640 of 1831
Can Aid Generate Growth in Africa?
(1998)The paper discusses the impact of foreign aid on economic growth in Africa. After brief discussion about growth determinants it goes on to review the available evidence about the impact of aid on African economic growth. ... -
Adjusting Stock Market Values to Exchange Rate Exposure: The Case of ASTRA, SCA and STORA.
(1998)Europe's two largest forest product companies SCA and STORA are located in Sweden. One of the largest firms in Sweden is ASTRA, which is a pharmaceutical company. In this paper I analyze how the variance of these firms' ... -
Har Göteborgs industri någon framtid ?
(1998)Industrin delas in i skyddad, arbetsintensiv, kapitalintensiv, kunskapsintensiv och FoU- intensiv sektor. Utvecklingen av sektorerna på nationell nivå sedan 1970-talets början behandlas. Sektorernas andelar av sysselsättningen ... -
Trade and Income Distribution in Developing Countries
(1998)This study examines the relationship between trade policy and income distribution on a cross-section of developing countries. The evidence suggests that the impact of openness on income distribution depends on the endowments ... -
Dynamisk sammanhållning - kommunikation i kulturprojektet Röda Sten
(1998)Denna FE-rapport handlar om Kulturprojektet Röda Sten i Göteborg. I skrivande stund vet vi inte om projektet kommer att kunna fullborda visionen om ett ombyggt pannhus under Älvsborgsbron och ett "centrum för ... -
Regression Analysis and Time Use Data A Comparison of Microeconometric Approaches with Data from the Swedish Time Use Survey (HUS)
(1998)This study focuses on a comparison and evaluation of models and estimators appropriate for time-use data. The tobit type I as well as different generalizations are used. According to our findings, a simple tobit I method ... -
Ett förslag till lösning på internprissättningsproblemet och problemet med bilaterala monopol
(1998)Internprissättningsproblemet i dess vedertagna betydelse är problemet att få två resultatenheter inom samma organisation som handlar med varandra att agera utifrån hela organisationens bästa, trots att de är fullständigt ... -
A Dynamic Model of Inflation for Kenya 1974 - 1996
(1998)This paper develops an error correction model with the aim of analysing the behaviour of prices in Kenya during 1974 -1996. In estimating the model, we first test for cointegration in the money and foreign exchange markets, ... -
Arbete, självinsikt eller tillbaka till gå? Utvärdering av kulturarbetarprojektet
(1998)Arbetsmarknaden har gradvis blivit allt hårdare i kultursektorn där utbudet sedan lång tid tillbaka överstigit efterfrågan. Mellan 1995 och 1998 drev Länsarbetsnämnden / AMI Karl Johan i Göteborg i samverkan med SDN ... -
Towards a Competence Management Framework - Cost Management in Competitive Dynamics
(1998)How to design and make cost and management control systems work in today's empowered, learning organizations has become the subject of much debate. This essay sketches a Competence Management framework that can be used ... -
From Workflow to Conversation
(1997)This thesis is about designing information technology to support communicative work. The thesis has a theoretical focus, informed by two empirical studies, but the aim is not to formulate a grand theory, but rather to find ... -
(1997)The thesis is a collection of five papers that approach networking from the perspective of “the New Informatics.” Networking is a kind of working practice that typically is concerned with knowledge or service work, carried ... -
The Thin End of the Wedge. Foreign Women Professors as Double Strangers in Academia
(2005)The impetus for this study was an observation that many of the women who obtained the first chairs at European universities were foreigners. Our initial attempt to provide a statistical picture proved impossible, because ... -
Från insikt till ? Utvärdering av JämO/EU-projektet Women to the Top
(2005)Projektet ”Women to the top” har syftat till att skapa en uthållig plattform för förändringsarbete som bidrar till att få fler kvinnor i företagens och organisationers högsta positioner. I Sverige har femton stora företag ... -
Femmes Fatales in Finance, or Women and the City
(2004)This paper concerns the representations of women working with finances in popular culture. Popular culture retrieves plots from a common repertoire, and in this way transmits ideals and furnishes descriptions of reality, ... -
The (d)evolution of the cyberwoman?
(2006)In this text, we examine Donna Haraway’s idea of a liberating potential of cyborgization first in the subsequent versions of Stepford Wives (the novel, the 1975 movie, and the 2004 movie), and second in the evolution of ... -
Virtual Servants: Stereotyping Female Front-Office Employees on the Internet
(2005)This article focuses on the service providers of the future: virtual assistants on the Internet. Recent technological developments, supported by intensive research on artificial intelligence, have enabled corporations to ... -
Negotiating Selves: Gender
(2006)This paper suggests a way of framing gender production in workplaces as a negotiation with varying results. The basis for such a frame is a combination of the notions of ”positioning” (the discoursive production of selves, ... -
"You cannot blame anyone else". Being in charge of the future
(2004)The pension system in Sweden underwent a dramatic change during the 1990s. Replacing the traditional welfare model of a more or less collective solution for all Swedes, an individual-focused pension model was launched ... -
The Impossibility of Corporate Ethics – For a Levinasian Approach to Managerial Ethics
(2005)The moral philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas offers a prospectus of stark impossibility for any programme of business or corporate ethics. It differs from most traditional ethical theories in that for Levinas the ethical ...