School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1661-1680 of 1831
Age-related risk of female infertility: A comparison between perceived personal and general risks
(2006)Based on a survey of a random sample of Swedish females aged 20-40 this paper investigates: (1) whether women have correct perception of the age-related risk of female infertility, (2) whether the perceptions of the ... -
Coasean Bargaining Games with Stochastic Stock Externalities
(2006)The recent approach ‘subgame consistency’ in cooperative stochastic differential games by Yeung and Petrosjan (2006) and Yeung and Petrosjan (2004) is applied to the classical Coase theorem in the presence of stochastic ... -
Verkstadsindustri i globaliseringens tidevarv. En studie av SKF och Volvo 1970-2000
(2006)This working paper explores the impact of the globalization process 1970-2000 on two manufacturing industries in the Gothenburg area – SKF and Volvo. Three aspects of the process are highlighted: the development of new ... -
Risk Management in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – The Potential of Sustainability Labels
(2006)There is a danger that the CDM will fail to live up to its goals, namely reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced sustainable development. Sustainability labeling is a promising strategy to hedge against such ... -
Scandinavia, Economics in
(2006)Scandinavia includes in a narrow sense Denmark, Norway and Sweden, which have similar languages and have strongly influenced one another. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish different histories of learning. Danish ... -
Consumption Theory with Reference Dependent Utility
(2006)This paper presents a closed form consumption function for an individual when he derives utility from both his current and previous consumption and from the consumption of his relevant others. I show that the traditional ... -
BNP-begreppets historia
(2006)Det första kända försöket att beräkna värdet av ett helt lands produktion eller inkomst brukar tillskrivas den engelske 1600-talsekonomen William Petty. Adam Smith diskuterade beräkningsprinciperna i Folkens välstånd (1776) ... -
What explains attitudes towards tax levels? A multi-tax comparison
(2006)We analyse Swedes’ opinions about the level of taxation for eleven different taxes to see what taxes people are most reluctant to and why. The most unpopular tax is the real estate tax, while the corporate tax is the least ... -
Essays on Poverty, Risk and Consumption Dynamics in Ethiopia
(2006)Paper 1. This paper analysed the state of poverty and income distribution in rural and urban Ethiopia during 1994-2000. Poverty declined from 1994 to 1997, and then increased to 2000. This finding is consistent with major ... -
Essays in Institutional and Development Economics
(2006)Paper 1: “Congo: The Prize of Predation” Abstract: The article analyzes the war against Mobutu (1996–97) and the more recent war (1998– ) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with particular attention to greed and ... -
Essays on Economics of Natural Resource Management and Experiments
(2006)This thesis has five self-contained essays. The titles and the abstracts of the various essays are as follows. Paper 1: Natural Resource use Conflict: Gold Mining in Tropical Rainforest in Ghana: Gold is frequently mined ... -
Windfall Gains, Political Economy, and Economic Development
(2006)Natural resource rents and foreign aid have the character of windfall gains that affect economic outcomes both directly and indirectly. Several studies have shown that the indirect effect typically works via institutions ... -
Malthus in Rwanda? Scarcity, Survival and Causes of the Genocide
(2006)This paper does two things. First, it develops a game theoretical model over population groups that optimize their survival under resource scarce conditions. The model includes two rather obvious, but in the theoretica ... -
Is Concern for Relative Consumption a Function of Relative Consumption?
(2006)By using hypothetical choice experiments, this paper presents evidence that individuals' concern for relative consumption depends on their relative consumption. Individuals with consumption levels above society's average ... -
A Note on the Risk Behavior and Death of Homo Economicus
(2006)Recent papers by Cox and Sadiraj (2006) and Rubinstein (2006) have pointed out that expected utility theory is more general than has sometimes been acknowledged, and can hence not be refuted as easily by means of experiments. ... -
Bridging the Great Divide in South Africa: Inequality and Punishment in the Provision of Public Goods
(2006)We explore the effect of income inequality and peer punishment on voluntary provision of public goods in an experimental context. Our sample draws from nine fishing communities in South-Africa where high levels of inequality ... -
Welfare Implications of Peer Punishment in Unequal Societies
(2006)We show that peer sanctioning increases cooperation in public goods experiments more in unequally endowed groups than in equally endowed groups. Punishment results in a redistribution of wealth from high to low endowment ... -
Who Are the Trustworthy, We Think?
(2006)In a representative Swedish sample people were asked to judge the relative extent that different groups of people are considered trustworthy in several dimensions, including their political views and reading habits. A ... -
Putting decomposition of energy use and pollution on a firm footing - clarifications on the residual, zero and negative values and strategies to assess the performance of decomposition methods
(2006)I show how the problems with zero and negative values in decomposition can in principle be resolved by avoiding ill-defined mathematical operations used to derive the decomposition formulae (division by zero and taking ... -
Sustainable Agriculture and the Production of Biomass for Energy Use
(2006)Modern bioenergy is seen as a promising option to curb greenhouse gas emissions. There is, however, a potential competition for land and water between bioenergy and food crops. Another question is whether biomass for ...