School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1301-1320 av 1831
Aggregate information, common knowledge, and agreeing not to bet
(2007-06-18)I consider a gamble where the sum of the distributed payoffs is proportionate to the number of participants. I show that no subset of the population can agree to participate in the bet, if the size of the group is commonly ... -
A non-stationary perspective on the european and swedish business cycle
(2007-05-25)Business cycles, the ups and downs observed somewhat simultaneously in numerous macroeconomic variables in an economy and often measured using real GDP, are important and, despite much economic research, still incom- pletely ... -
Tenure Rights and Stewardship of Marine Resources: A co-managed Swedish shrimp fishery in a marine reserve
(2007-05-22)Economic theory predicts that open access leads to myopic behaviour of fishermen, while improving property rights leads to more long-term decisions of fishermen. In this study, we report the experiences from a co-managed ... -
Essays on Land Lease Markets, Productivity, Biodiversity, and Environmental Variability
(2007-05-09)This thesis consists of four papers. The titles and abstracts of the various essays are as follows. Paper 1: Tenure Insecurity, Transaction Costs in the Land Lease Market and Implications for Gendered Productivity ... -
Fairness, Reciprocity and Inequality: Experimental evidence from South Africa
(2007-05-09)This thesis consists of six papers, related to artifactual field experiments, conducted in South Africa. The main focus of the thesis is the effect of different forms of heterogeneity on cooperation and punishment within ... -
Essays on Asymmetric Information and Environmental Regulation through Disclosure
(2007-05-09)This dissertation delves into different aspects of a relatively new policy approach for industrial pollution control: the public dissemination of information by regulators regarding the environmental performance of firms. ... -
Experimental Studies on Risk, Inequality and Relative Standing
(2006)This thesis consists of four separate experimental studies that concern individuals’ preferences and choices on issues of risk, inequality and relative standing. In the first paper, individuals' aversion to risk and ... -
Individer eller personal? En idéskrift om etik inom person(al)ledning
(2000-05-07)Rapporten beskriver olika former av etik inom personalledning som kommer till uttryck inom dagens arbetsliv; den organisatoriska, den ekonomiska och den personorienterade. Det huvudsakliga budskapet är att samhälliga ... -
Standardisering av värderingar. Personalutbildning inom den svenska konsumentkooperationen
(2001-05-07)Under 90-talet genomfördes flera reformer för att förändra Kooperativa Förbundet, KF:s detaljhandelsverksamhet. Dessa förändringar ifrågasatte den etablerade inriktningen på medlemskap och framförde istället idéer kring ... -
Hypothetical bias in choice experiments: Within versus between subject tests
(2007-04-20)A choice experiment eliciting environmental values is set up in order to test for hypothetical bias based on both within and between sample designs. A larger hypothetical bias was found in the latter case, which explains ... -
The Controller's Managerial Work
(2007-04-19)This article analyses a controller’s action in a product development setting. An alliance context provides for a hybrid form of governance and for complexity. The analysis builds on the participants’ own comments to a ... -
Does context matter more for hypothetical than for actual contributions? Evidence from a natural field experiment
(2007-04-19)We investigate the importance of the social context for people’s voluntary contributions to a national park in Costa Rica, using a natural field experiment. Some subjects make actual contributions while others state their ... -
Samverkan, vårdkedjor och förändringsarbetet – om Botkyrkas medverkan i modellkommunprojektet
(2007-04-04)Mobilisering mot narkotika” (MOB) announced 2003 a special project support to municipalities and county councils that in collaboration want to develop models to prevent drug abuse. The municipalities that were included in ... -
Maximum fee vs child benefit: A welfare analysis of Swedish child-care fee reform
(2007-04-03)The effects of a recent Swedish child-care fee reform are compared with those of an alternative reform, increased child benefits. The fee reform implied considerably decreased fees and was intended to increase both labor ... -
Using Ex Post Data to Estimate the Hurdle Rate of Abatement Investments - An Application to the Swedish Pulp and Paper Industry and Energy Sector
(2007-03-21)We propose a method for estimating hurdle rates for firms’ investments in pollution abatement technology, using ex post data. The method is based on a structural option value model where the future price of polluting ... -
What do friends and media tell us? How different information channels affect women’s risk perceptions of age-related female infertility
(2007-03-16)Based on a survey given to a random sample of Swedish 20-40 year old females, this paper investigates through which channels women receive information about the general risk levels of age-related female infertility and ... -
Social Capital vs Institutions in the Growth Process
(2007-03-08)Is social capital always important for economic growth? A number of recent micro studies suggest that interpersonal trust and social capital will have its greatest impact on economic performance when court institutions ... -
On the Institutional Legacy of Mercantilist and Imperialist Colonialism
(2007-03-07)The article features a temporal approach to modelling the social impact of Western colonialism. We collect a data set for all former colonies and dependencies that are regarded as countries today (143 observations). Our ... -
Does Migration Pay? Earnings effects from geographic mobility following job displacement
(2007-03-06)Displaced workers are followed for ten years in order to analyse the earnings effects from internal migration. We utilise a large dataset containing all workers in Sweden who were displaced during 1987 or 1988. Effects ...