School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1681-1700 av 1831
Putting decomposition of energy use and pollution on a firm footing - clarifications on the residual, zero and negative values and strategies to assess the performance of decomposition methods
(2006)I show how the problems with zero and negative values in decomposition can in principle be resolved by avoiding ill-defined mathematical operations used to derive the decomposition formulae (division by zero and taking ... -
Clarifying Poverty Decomposition
(2006)I discuss how poverty decomposition methods relate to integral approximation, which is the foundation of decomposition of the temporal change of a quantity into key drivers. This offers a common framework for the ... -
How to Make the Clean Development Mechanism Sustainable - The Potential of Rent Extraction
(2006)The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) should foster sustainable development and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The design of the CDM and first experience suggest that it may not achieve these goals. Developing countries ... -
Analyzing Economic Market Interactions as Conflicts: New Concepts to Assess Market-Based Policy Instruments
(2006)Complementing market-based policy instruments with conflict analysis approaches provides a wider understanding of market situations and allows to identify minimal requirements regarding needs, power and conflict dynamics. ... -
Nyckeltal och konkurs: En studie av svenska företag 1998 – 2003
(2006)Denna studie visar att de företag som går i konkurs har finansiella nyckeltal som skiljer sig avsevärt från aktiva företag upp till fem år före konkurs. Skillnaderna finns framförallt i balansräkningen avseende kapitalstruktur ... -
Would The Right Social Preference Model Please Stand Up!
(2006)A number of competing social preference models have been developed inspired by the evidence from economic experiments. We test the relative performance of some of these models using an experimental design that is aimed at ... -
Gender, Risk and Stereotypes
(2006)This paper reports results from an economic experiment where respondents are asked to make choices between risky outcomes for themselves and others. In addition, we elicit information about the respondents’ perception of ... -
Essays on Unemployment Duration and Programme Evaluation
(2006)The process of labour market transformation in the 1990s attracted a lot of attention from economists and policy makers. Unprecedented changes, like rapid reforms in Central and Eastern Europe and later the expansion of ... -
Essays on Labor Supply and Poverty: A microeconometric application
(2006)This thesis consists of four papers in applied micro econometrics. The first paper evaluates the discrete choice labor supply Model by Monte Carlo experiment. The 2nd paper investigates the relationships between participation ... -
Three Essays on Electricity Spot and Financial Derivative Prices at the Nordic Power Exchange
(2006)Essay I examines the market efficiency issues at the Nord Pool power exchange in the September 1995 – July 2002 period. A unique characteristic of this electricity exchange is the high hydropower proportion in the traded ... -
Essays on Firm Turnover, Growth, and Investment Behavior in Ethiopian Manufacturing
(2006)This thesis analyses the dynamics and investment behavior of Ethiopian manufacturing firms in post-reform period using establishment level industrial census panel data from 1996 to 2003. Three related topics such as firm ... -
Pricing of Some Path-Dependent Options on Equities and Commodities
(2006)This thesis brings together three papers about the pricing of European and Bermudan path-dependent options, and one paper about the stochastic modelling of a futures price curve. Paper one proposes a fast numerical ... -
Four Essays on Technology, Productivity and Environment
(2006)The main subject of this thesis is the relationship between economic growth and environmental effects when the interaction between firms' behaviour and regulations are taken into account. In the first three papers I discuss ... -
Tax Toleration and Tax Compliance: How Government Affects the Propensity of Firms to Enter the Unofficial Economy
(2006)How do government-supplied institutional benefits and the taxation and regulation of produc- ers affect the propensity of private firms to enter the unofficial economy and evade taxation? We propose a model in which the ... -
The income of the Swedish baby boomers
(2006)This paper study the income of Swedish households belonging to the baby boom generation, i.e those born in the 1940-50. An international comparison as well as an historical presentation of income patterns is given. However, ... -
Flexibility and protectionism. Swedish trade in sugar during the early modern era
(2006)Sugar was of the utmost importance for the development of a transatlantic trade during the early modern era. This working paper explores the impact of institutions and institutional changes of the colonial trade in sugar ... -
Assessing management options for weed control with demanders and non-demanders in a choice experiment
(2006)The yellow floating heart is a water weed causing nuisance problems in Swedish watercourses. An economic analysis of this is required where various management options are considered. The benefits of a management program ... -
Labor market regimes and the effects of monetary policy
(2006)In this paper we use a standard multi-union, monopolistic competition model to evaluate analytically and numerically the effects of monetary policy on inflation and unemployment under different institutional arrangements ... -
Costs Benefits Rules when Nature Counts
(2006)This paper analyses normative implications of relaxing the conventional welfare economics assumptions anthropocentrism and welfarism, i.e. that only human well-being counts intrinsically, combined with various types of ... -
Should Animal Welfare Count?
(2006)This paper discusses the standard welfare economics assumption anthropocentric welfarism, i.e. that only human well-being counts intrinsically. New survey evidence from a representative sample in Sweden is presented, ...