School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 61-80 av 1831
Peers, policy, and attitudes as drivers of antibiotic prescribing
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-05)In this study we investigated how treatment norms about antibiotic use affect a doctor´s decision to prescribe antibiotics. We also investigated the attitudes and behavior of the same physicians as private persons. We find ... -
Essays on Public Policy in the Informal Sector Context
(2021-05-21)The Price Sensitivity of the Demand for Health Insurance – Evidence from the Community Health Insurance Scheme in Rwanda This study estimates the price elasticity of the demand for health insurance, exploiting the variation ... -
Bioprospecting and deep-sea genetic resources in a fragmenting international law
(2021-05-19)This thesis investigates if public international law manages to function as a coherent system in the case of deep-sea bioprospecting, where rules in three regimes provide seemingly inconsistent obligations for states. Based ... -
Making hash out of an elephant. Public private Circular business model development
(2021-06)A transition to a Circular economy depends on the development of circular business models. Extant research suggests the need for business to cooperate broadly to address sustainability issues of a systemic nature. Thus ... -
Scaling Marine and Water Management
(2021-05-05)This book is concerned with the linkages between legal systems and the complexity of nature. It explores how legal delimitations of ecosystems and diffusion of management across different levels of administration affects ... -
MEDBORGARFORSKNING SOM TURISTATTRAKTION En kartläggning av medborgarforskning och dess potential inom maritim turism
(2021)Genom att allmänheten bjuds in att delta i olika delar av den vetenskapliga processen, är medborgaforskning ett sätt att lägga grund för en mer inkluderande forskning och samhällsutveckling. Genom bredden i deltagande som ... -
Wreck Law - A Systematisation of Legal Interests and Conflicts
(2021-04-14)The purpose of this thesis is to systematise legal interests and conflicts in relation to wrecks and wreck removal. The ambition of the systematisation is to provide a framework and a perspective of this area of law and ... -
Entry Regulations and Product Variety in Retail
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-04)This paper estimates a dynamic model of store adjustments in product variety that considers multiproduct service technology to evaluate the impact of entry regulations on variety and long-run profits in Swedish retail. ... -
Empirical tests of exchange rate and stock return models
(2021-03-31)Abstracts to ”Empirical tests of exchange rate and stock return models” Order flow in the Foreign Exchange Market Price discovery in foreign exchange markets is explored using Swedish data including trades from both the ... -
Unequal Jury Representation and Its Consequences
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-03)We analyze the extent and consequences of unequal representation on juries in Harris County, Texas. We first document that residents from predominantly white and high-income neighborhoods are substantially over-represented ... -
Land Property Rights, Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Panel 1000-2015 CE
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-03)Since the transition to agricultural production, property rights to land have been a key institution for economic development. Clearly defined land rights provide economic agents with increased access to credit, secure ... -
MOBILITETSHUBBAR FÖR NORRA ÖN. Lärdomar från Tomtebostrand
(2021)I den här rapporten har mitt syfte varit att gå igenom lärdomar från planeringen av Tomtebostrand för att i första hand formulera åtgärdsförslag för hur mobilitetshubbar skall ordnas på Norra Ön och i andra hand generellt ... -
What is a business model and what’s in it for regional development?
(Centrum för Regional analys, 2021-01)This working paper outsets in describing the core constituents of the business model literature in an account striving to offer an understanding of what the business model of a company is and why is makes sense to connect ... -
Nudges and Threats: Soft vs Hard Incentives for Tax Compliance
(2021-02)We study what induces delinquent taxpayers to pay their taxes due. We use high quality administrative data from the Swedish Tax Agency. We find a strong effect of the standard enforcement regime: a threat of having the ... -
How much does it take? Willingness to switch to meat substitutes
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-01)Meat production and consumption have several negative environmental externalities and health impacts. Using a stated preference survey, this study identifies main barriers to and drivers of switching to the following meat ... -
Commercialization Done Differently: How Swedish university incubators facilitate the formation of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms
(2020-12-11)This PhD thesis investigates how university incubators impact the formation of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial (KIE) firms in Sweden, which is interesting due to its unusual institutional regime for commercializing ... -
Shocks, Remittances and Household Consumption A Dynamic System GMM Analysis
(2028-02)We use a dynamic system GMM regression on ve rounds of panel data to estimate the impact of international remittances on consumption of urban Ethiopian households, who spend more than 70% of their consumption budget on ... -
Emissions Trading Schemes and Directed Technological Change: Evidence from China
(2020-11)This paper examines the impact of carbon emissions trading schemes (ETS) on technical change proxied by the number of green patents in the context of the pilot ETS in China. I find a small increase of 0.16 patents per firm ... -
Are women less effective leaders than men? Evidence from experiments using coordination games
(2020-11)We study whether one reason behind female underrepresentation in leadership is that female leaders are less effective at coordinating action by followers. Two experiments using coordination games investigate whether female ...