School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 81-100 av 1831
Celebrity Endorsement in Promoting Pro-Environmental Behavior
(2020-10)We conduct a natural field experiment on the effect of having a celebrity endorse an information campaign aiming to induce pro-environmental behavior in the context of single-use plastics consumption. We find that an ... -
Optimal fuel taxation with suboptimal health choices
(2020-10)Transport has a large number of signi cant externalities including carbon emissions, air pollution, accidents, and congestion. Active travel such as cycling and walking can reduce these externalities. Moreover, public ... -
The Dynamic Impact of Exporting on Firm R&D Investment
(2020-10 an)This article estimates a dynamic structural model of firm R&D investment in twelve Swedish manufacturing industries and uses it to measure rates of return to R&D and to simulate the impact of trade restrictions on the ... -
The effect of information on market activity; evidence from vehicle recalls
(2020-10)We evaluate the effect of vehicle recalls on vehicle transactions in the second-hand market. Using a rich dataset of Dutch vehicle registrations, we exploit the quasi-experimental variation in recalls across nearly-identical ... -
Lyckad integration? Skönlitterära beskrivningar av invandringen i Sverige 1945-2017
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2020) -
Det civilrättsliga i svensk inkomstskatterätt
(2020-09-16)The relationship between tax law and private law has been discussed extensively in the legal sources of Swedish income taxation. However, what is meant by private law has not been elaborated or problematized to any greater ... -
Strategiskt förnyelsearbete inom svensk industri
(2019-11) -
Den regionala arbetsdelningens anatomi – Perspektiv från yrken, branscher och funktioner
(2020-09)Regional specialisering är en utmärkande egenskap för ekonomins geografiska fördelning. Att regioner specialiserar sig betyder också att de binds samman och blir delar av en geografisk ekonomisk arbetsdelning. Det innebär ... -
Krishantering i SMEs - en studie av Svenska SMEs hantering av covid-19 situationen
(MATIX, 2020)För att studera när och hur SMEs i Sverige förstod innebörden och omfattningen av Covid-19 spridningen, vilken påverkan den fått på deras verksamheter samt vilka åtgärder de vidtagit för att hantera situationen har 1000 ...