School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1721-1740 of 1831
Mad Cows, Terrorism and Junk Food: Should Public Policy Reflect Subjective or Objective Risks?
(2006)Empirical evidence suggests that people’s risk-perceptions are often systematically biased. This paper develops a simple framework to analyse public policy when this is the case. Expected utility (well-being) is shown to ... -
Internal Migration of Natives and Immigrants Following Job Displacement
(2006)In this paper discrete-time duration analysis is used to identify differences in the internal migration of immigrants and natives following job displacement. Human capital theory presents us with two hypotheses. One is ... -
Should We Trust Hypothetical Referenda? Test and Identification Problems
(2006)In a paper published in the Journal of Political Economy, Cummings et al. experimentally compare hypothetical and real-money referenda. They reject the incentive compatibility hypothesis of hypothetical referenda. However, ... -
How much is too much? - An investigation of the effect of the number of choice sets, starting point and the choice of bid vectors in choice experiments
(2006)In a split sample design, we examine how the number of choice sets, design of the first choice set (starting point), and the choice of attribute levels in the cost attribute affect the precision in the elicited preferences ... -
Do Experience and Cheap Talk influence Willingness to Pay in an Open-Ended Contingent Valuation Survey?
(2006)In this paper we analyze the effect of information on respondents’ willingness to pay to avoid power outages in Sweden, by employing an open-ended contingent valuation survey. Two aspects of information are tested; (i) if ... -
CSR in Electrification of Rural Africa
(2005)Multinational corporations (MNCs) are beginning to explore low-income markets in Africa in search of legitimacy and growth opportunities. This paper examines the CSR (corporate social responsibility) aspects of this trend ... -
Marshall’s Influence on Swedish Economic Thought
(2006)Alfred Marshall was by no means ignored, but his influence on Swedish economic thought at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century was limited. On the general level, science and culture in Sweden were more ... -
Trends in the pattern of lifelong learning in Sweden: towards a decentralized economy
(2006)This essay offers an overview and discussion about the conditions for Swedish workers to obtain lifelong learning. It studies how the Swedish schooling system and the institutions for adult training have influenced ... -
Speculative Attacks on Nordic Exchange Rates, 1971-1992
(2005)This paper analyzes the relationship between economic fundamentals and balance-of-payments crises for the three Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, during 1971-1992. To identify periods of balance-of-payments ... -
Speculative Attacks on Nordic Exchange-Rates, 1971-1992
(2005)This paper analyzes the relationship between economic fundamentals and balance-ofpayments crises for the three Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, during 1971- 1992. To identify periods of balance-of-payments ... -
Farmers and the domestic iron market
(2004)The Swedish case 1750-1870 in a European context – results from the thesis “Age of iron. The use and consumption of iron and iron products in rural Sweden 1750-1870.” During the agrarian revolution farmers and the rural ... -
Biodiversity Conservation under an Imperfect Seed System: the Role of Community Seed Banking Scheme
(2005)The study is an empirical investigation of agrobiodiversity conservation decisions of small farmers in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The primary objective is to measure the effectiveness of Community Seed Banking ... -
Globalisation, inequality and Swedish catch up in the late nineteenth century. Williamson’s real wage comparisons under scrutiny
(2005)The idea of rapid factor price convergence in the latter half of the nineteenth century stems from an article from 1995 by Jeffrey Williamson. That article presented real wage comparisons of unskilled urban workers for ... -
Thy neighbour’s property. Communal property rights and institutional change in an iron producing forest district of Sweden 1630-1750
(2005)This paper focuses on the development of property rights to village com-mons, as they appear in the court rolls of a legal district in Sweden in the late 17th and the early 18th century. A development of agrarian property ... -
Are Agricultural Extension Packages What Ethiopian Farmers Want? A Stated Preference Analysis
(2005)There is an evident dichotomy in many rural development policies in the world between extension driven adoption of modern inputs and community driven local public goods. However, the target populations of these policies ... -
Svenska nätbolags syn på nätnyttomodellen 2005
(2005)This paper reports the results of a survey study regarding the attitudes towards the Network Performance Assessment Model (NPAM). The NPAM is a revenue cap regulation model that has been developed to evaluate revenue ... -
Mervärde av jämställda löner? Utvärdering av JämO-projektet ”Project on Equal Pay”
(2005)”Project on Equal Pay” var ett EU-finansierat JämO-projekt med syfte att bidra till jämställda löner genom att påvisa mervärden samt att ta fram användbara verktyg för lönekartläggning och löneanalys m m. Tio företag och ... -
Skolan och informationstekniken – en fallstudierapport om två gymnasieskolor i Göteborg
(2005)This paper is the last of six case studies in a research project ”The school and information- and communication technology (ICT)”. The study is taking place in the municipality of Göteborg. The results of the study show ... -
Natural Resource use Conflict: Gold Mining in Tropical Rainforest in Ghana
(2005)Gold is frequently mined in rainforests that can provide either gold or forest benefits, but not both. This conflict in resource use occurs in Ghana, a developing country in the tropics where the capital needed for mining ...