School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-280 of 1831
Environmental investment decisions: experimental evidence of team versus individual decision making
(2018-01)We study experimentally how investment decisions are affected by equally stringent but different policy regime treatments and how differences depend on whether decisions are made individually or in groups. In our experiment, ... -
Emissions Trading Subject to Kantian Preferences
(2018-01)We study a cap-and-trade market equilibrium where different regions belonging to an emissions trading regime have different ambitions about the stringency of the cap. Specifically, we introduce a segment of consumers with ... -
Do consumers choose to stay ignorant? The role of information in the purchase of ethically certified products
(2018-01)The paper analyzes how consumers access information about ethical certificates and how access to this information influences consumers’ purchasing decisions. Using an experimental market game and letting consumers choose ... -
Nonseparable Sample Selection Models with Censored Selection Rules
(2018-01)We consider identification and estimation of nonseparable sample selection models with censored selection rules. We employ a control function approach and discuss different objects of interest based on (1) local effects ... -
Confidence and Career Choices: An Experiment
(2018-01)Confidence is often seen as the key to success. Empirical evidence about whether such beliefs causally map into actions is, however, sparse. In this paper, we experimentally investigate the causal effect of an increase in ... -
Konstnärliga interventioner för kreativitet och förändring i organisationer: lekfullt utforskande, motstånd och dialoger i läroprocessen
(2017-12)Studiens syfte är att skapa förståelse för vad det är som händer i processen under ett konstnärsdrivet interventionsprojekt för kreativitet och förändring i en organisation utanför den konst- och kulturella sfären. En ... -
Mitt hem och min ekonomi - en studie av hur bostadsrättsköpare kalkylerar
(2017-12-20)My home and my economy - A study of how purchasers of a cooperative apartment calculate To purchase a dwelling is one of the biggest investments in a person’s life and probably the financial decision that affects the ... -
The Impact of Reproductive and Birth Technologies on Health, Fertility and Labor Outcomes
(2017-12-19)Access to reproductive health including care during pregnancy and childbirth is paramount for mothers, children and families worldwide. Despite the rapid use of reproductive and birth technologies, multiple questions ... -
Konsumtionsrapporten 2017
(2017-12-14) -
Attitudes towards nanomaterials and nanotechnology among Swedish expert stakeholders: Risk, benefit and regulation
(2017-12-06)The aim of this study is to investigate attitudes towards nanomaterials and nanotechnology among Swedish expert stakeholders. The study explores the views of these experts on a number of topics in connection to nanotechnology ... -
The Origins of Cultural Divergence: Evidence from a Developing Country
(2017-12)Cultural norms diverge substantially across societies, often even within the same country. In the present paper, we study the voluntary settlement hypoth- esis, proposing that individualistic people tend to self-select ... -
Resource Base Change and Development during the Internationalization Process: The Case of a Swedish Fashion Firm
(2017-11-30)This thesis examines the processes that define the change and development of a firm’s resources and capabilities during the internationalization process. Prior research shows that a firm’s resources and capabilities have ... -
To Be or Not to Be… - Brand Affiliaton in the Hotel Industry
(2017-11-28)A large proportion of any business’s value comprises intangible assets, and for many businesses a considerable part of these assets' value is attributable to brands with which businesses affiliate. In light of increasing ... -
Rural/urban redux: Conceptual problems and material effects
(2017-11-20)Concepts are the basic building blocks of all knowledge, while the strength of the theories that guide any societal project is dependent on the quality those concepts. Contrarily, the utilization of questionable concepts ... -
Sustainable policy for energy, land and natural resources
(2017-11-10)This thesis consists of four papers which are related to critical natural resource issues from a developing and emerging country perspective. All four papers demonstrate the importance of financial incentives in ... -
Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. Mapping the legal situation - National Study: Sweden
(2015)This report has been elaborated as part of the CHANGE research project ( funded by the BONUS programme and national research funding institutions, in this case the Swedish Environmental ... -
Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. Mapping the legal situation - National Study: Finland
(2015)This report has been elaborated as part of the CHANGE research project ( funded by the BONUS programme and national research funding institutions, in this case the Academy of Finland. The ... -
Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea - Mapping the legal situation
(2015)This report has been elaborated as part of the CHANGE research project ( funded by the BONUS programme and national research funding institutions, in this case the Danish Social Science ... -
Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. A review of the European Union chemicals and water legislation
(2015)In this report, the EU legislation regulating antifouling measures for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea will be presented with particular focus on authorisation of antifouling biocides and on determining the extent of the ... -
Do Gender Preference Gaps Impact Policy Outcomes?
(2017-11)A large body of evidence documents systematic gender differences in a variety of important economic preferences, such as risk-taking, competition and pro-sociality. One potential implication of this literature is that ...