School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 641-660 of 1831
The Place of Conventional Economics in a World with Communities and Social Goods
(2012-05-09)Paper 1: Should Deliveries of Used Clothes to LDCs Be Supported? This is the journal version of a study of the worldwide used-clothes trade – with focus on Sweden’s participation in it – undertaken for Sida (the Swedish ... -
“De är inte ute så mycket” Den bostadsnära naturkontaktens betydelse och utrymme i storstadsbarns vardagsliv
(2012-05-08)ABSTRACT Sandberg, Mattias, 2012, ’They are not outdoors that much’. Nature close to home – its meaning and place in the everyday lives of urban children. Publications edited by the Departments of Geography, University ... -
Social Globalization and Child Labor
(2012-05)In recent years, a growing number of authors have turned their focus to the question of why children work. While much of the research focuses on household level factors, macroeconomic factors have gained increasing attention. ... -
Origins of the Sicilian Mafia: The Market for Lemons
(2012-05)Since its first appearance in the late 1800s, the origins of the Sicilian mafia have remained a largely unresolved mystery. Both institutional and historical explanations have been proposed in the literature through the ... -
Social preferences are stable over long periods of time
(2012-04)We measure people’s prosocial behavior, in terms of voluntary money and labor time contributions to an archetypical public good, a bridge, and in terms of voluntary money contributions in a public good game, using the ... -
Synergies and Trade-offs between Climate and Local Air Pollution: Policies in Sweden
(2012-04)In this paper, we explore the synergies and tradeoffs between abatement of global and local pollution. We built a unique dataset of Swedish heat and power plants with detailed boiler-level data 2001-2009 on not only ... -
Reducing Global Warming and Adapting to Climate Change: The Potential of Organic Agriculture
(2012-04)Climate change mitigation is urgent, and adaptation to climate change is crucial, particularly in agriculture, where food security is at stake. Agriculture, currently responsible for 20-30% of global greenhouse gas emissions ... -
Essays on Development: Household Income, Education, and Female Political Participation and Representation
(2012-04-12)The thesis consists of four self-contained papers. Paper 1: The Push Towards UPE and the Determinants of the Demand for Education in Tanzania. This paper uses household data to investigate the determinants of demand for ... -
Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation under Double Tax Treaties – with Particular Reference to the Application of Double Tax Treaties in Sweden
(2012-04-03)Kleist, D. 2012. Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation under Double Tax Treaties – with Particular Reference to the Application of Double Tax Treaties in Sweden. Iustus Förlag AB. Uppsala 2012. 372 pp. ISBN ... -
Den privata säkerhetssektorn i internationella operationer. Utmaningar, möjligheter och civil-militära relationer
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2012-03-26)Denna studie fokuserar på anlitandet av privata säkerhetsföretag (PSF) för tillhandhållandet av vålds- och säkerhetsrelaterade tjänster i och omkring väpnade konflikter och internationella operationer. Den växande användningen ... -
The Gender Gap in African Political Participation: Individual and contextual determinants
(2012-03)The aim of this paper is to analyze the factors underlying the gender gap in African electoral and inter-electoral political participation. Drawing on new data covering over 27,000 respondents from 246 regions in 20 emerging ... -
“Människor, skjortor och siffror – reducera komplexitet och en order blir till”
(2012-03-08)More than 35 years ago, calls were made for research on the constitutive role of accounting. Since then, many statements have been made to specify what accounting is or is not. This study describes what accounting does, ... -
Sweden's largest Facebook study
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2012-03-06)The emergence of the Internet has made it easier for people to socially interact than ever before. Today, the most popular channel is Facebook with over 845 million users world wide. In Sweden, the number of users amount ... -
Företag med Framgång - hur resurser kan skapa varaktiga konkurrensfördelar
(2012-02-21)This study describes how three medium-sized companies from a small town in West Sweden have achieved what the resource-based view regards as sustained competitive advantage (SCA). Research within the resource-based view ... -
The Effects of Gender Quotas in Latin American National Elections
(2012-02)This study investigates the effects of gender quotas in national elections on political participation, public policy, and corruption in Latin America. We are able to replicate the findings from previous research that women ... -
Entry, Competition and Productivity in Retail
(2012-02-13) -
Multi-product firms, product mix changes and upgrading: Evidence from China's state-owned forest areas
(2012-02)Product selection matters for a firm’s productivity and long-run growth. Recent theoretical and empirical studies indicate that an important margin of adjustment to policy reforms is the reallocation of output within firms ... -
Älska din navel! Om illojal maktanvändning, den offentliga lögnen och skydd för whistle-blowers
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2012)Inget abstract