Department of Business Administration / Företagsekonomiska institutionen: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 81-100 av 248
Lönsamhet och finansiell flexibilitet. Rederinäringen i Sverige 1997 - 2006
(2012-12-12)This study investigates if financial flexibility can explain firm performance in terms of profitability using financial data from all Swedish shipping companies during the period 1997-2006. Financial flexibility is the ... -
The Value of Cultural Institutions – Measurement and Description
(2012-11-30)Resources are invested to maintain cultural institutions and society has an interest in the efficient allocation of these resources. To understand efficiency, the costs incurred in monetary units need to be compared to the ... -
Vara och märkas – unga konsumenters relationer till klädindustrins varumärken
(2012-11-30)To brand and to be branded – Young consumers’ relations to clothing brands Brands – the logos of the global economy – have received attention both inside and outside marketing research as key symbols of our time and as ... -
Platsen som resurs för små och medelstora företag
(2012-11-20)Studien handlar om utveckling i småföretag med hänsyn till resurser och platsbundenhet. Småföretagens ägare reinvesterar i sina företag och tar inte ut några övervinster utan driver sina verksamheter på ett långsiktigt ... -
Strategies for Environmental Sustainability of Municipal Energy Companies. Pathways of Sustainable Development between Business and Society.
(2012-11-12)Carbon emissions from energy production have a severe impact on the global climate. The slow transformation of the energy system towards low-carbon alternatives is thus a serious concern. Sweden is recognized as a forerunner ... -
Redovisning av immateriella tillgångar i samband med förvärvskalkylering - principbaserade redovisningsregler och relevans
(2012-10-26)In recent decades we have moved into an economy that is both knowledge-driven and technology-based. This has resulted in intangible assets representing an increasingly larger proportion of total investments carried out by ... -
The use of corporate responsibility reports – For managing legitimacy
(2011)Society acknowledge that companies’ operations have an impact on their surrounding, as a result companies are no longer only held responsible for maximizing shareholders’ value but also for their operations’ environmental ... -
The Role of Corporate social disclosure -Trust, reputation or fashion tool?
(2010)Motivation: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure can be used as a device by companies to communicate accountability, by showing their vision for the future and account for past performances. If companies are ... -
Reputation Management in CSR reports - mapping theoretical perspectives
(2010)From a societal point of view environmental accounting can fill the role of information- provider in the struggle for sustainability. On the one hand, CSR reporting is used by companies to account for their social and ... -
HR-utveckling på sjukhus
(2012)In this report, the HR development at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, initiated by the ideas Human Resource Transformation, is presented. The process is analysed from three perspectives: HRT, organisational development, ... -
Judgment in accounting:The case of credit losses in banks
(2012)Principles-based accounting standards require the application of profes- sional judgment in the production of nancial statements. In recent years, the bene ts of such judgment has been debated, for example in relation ... -
Members in Tourism Settings – their motivations, behaviours and roles
(2012-08-14)Membership programs are widely-used marketing tools. Many customers belong to a number of different membership programs across a variety of organizations and contexts. Memberships are based on the idea of mutual benefits ... -
“Människor, skjortor och siffror – reducera komplexitet och en order blir till”
(2012-03-08)More than 35 years ago, calls were made for research on the constitutive role of accounting. Since then, many statements have been made to specify what accounting is or is not. This study describes what accounting does, ... -
Företag med Framgång - hur resurser kan skapa varaktiga konkurrensfördelar
(2012-02-21)This study describes how three medium-sized companies from a small town in West Sweden have achieved what the resource-based view regards as sustained competitive advantage (SCA). Research within the resource-based view ... -
Essays on ownership and control: Shareholder wealth effects in takeovers and the measurement of ownership concentration
(2012-02-01)The dissertation consists of three essays, two on takeovers and one on the measurement of ownership concentration. Cross-border acquisitions and insider ownership studies whether there is a cross-border effect in returns ... -
Disclosure on Investor Relations Websites
(Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, 2011) -
The industrial exporter-distributor trade relationship - A portrayal of the development path derived from diverging agendas
(Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, 2011)