Department of Business Administration / Företagsekonomiska institutionen: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 141-160 av 3432
Vilka variabler påverkar ett investmentbolags substansrabatt? En kvantitativ undersökning av 12 svenska investmentbolag
(2022-06-30)Bakgrund: Sedan 2011 har det skett en stor ökning i intresse för aktiemarknaden och många nya investerare har tillkommit. Under perioden 2011 till 2020 har det investerade kapitalet ökat med 194% från de svenska hushållen. ... -
The Response of Swedish Multinational Forestry Firms regarding Uncertainties Associated with Sudden Institutional Changes: A qualitative study on how a sudden institutional change can
(2022-06-22)When institutions go through changes, firms must be prepared to adapt to the changing externalities in the market. In addition to the direct effect changing institutions may have on the market, the emergence of uncertainties ... -
“You will not be successful if you tell a Brazilian: now you will need to become a German” A case study of to what extent a company’s corporate culture implementation strategies can assist in the integration process of a recently acquired company
(2022-06-22)When integrating a cross-border acquisition many features of the acquiring company will commonly be implemented into the acquired company, one being corporate culture. Historically it has been shown that differing ... -
How are European Tourism Firms Complying with Sustainable Development Goal 8.5? A comparable study of abroad and local workers
(2022-06-22)The tourism industry is an important employer providing millions of job opportunities globally. Their compliance to United Nations’ sustainable development goal 8 is therefore highly relevant. Accordingly, the purpose of ... -
The EU Taxonomy and Sustainability Performance: A qualitative study on how the EU taxonomy affects a multinational enterprise operating in the automotive industry
(2022-06-22)The EU taxonomy plays an important role in implementing the European Green Deal, meeting the EU’s energy and climate targets for 2030, and increasing green investments. The aim of the taxonomy is to shift economic investments ... -
The impact of Institutional Quality on MNCs strategies when conducting FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2022-06-22)An important part for the future economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa is the inflowof foreign direct investments. One factor in attracting these investments is having a suitableexternal environment that fits the ... -
Vilka aspekter påverkar företags investeringsbeslut för CCUS/bio-CCS?
(2022-04-07)Background: Global warming has emphasised the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases around the world. The EU is one of many that has committed to becoming climate neutral and they make use of ... -
How does capital structure change during crises? A study through 2006-2021. Starring: The Financial crisis 2008 & the Covid-19 pandemic
(2022-04-07)In this paper the changes in the capital structure in large European firms was studied through the years 2006-2021. The focus was on how the capital structure changes in a crisis. The timeline includes two crises, the ... -
Taxonomins påverkan på privata fastighetsägare. En utvärdering huruvida EU:s taxonomi skapar incitament för privata fastighetsägare att göra hållbara investeringar
(2022-04-07)Together, the construction and real estate sector accounts for a significant part of the domestic greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden. Consequently, it is of great importance to increase sustainable investments in the sector ... -
Digitization and Avoided Emissions. A Case Study of Product Information at SEMCON
(2022-04-07)The environmental threat of our time puts pressure on all areas to reduce the climate impact.The Paris Agreement set by the United Nations has set an aspiring goal of limiting the global warming by 1.5 (United Nations, ... -
Poor risk management or external factors, what caused the semiconductor shortage within the automotive industry?
(2022-04-07)The purpose of this study is to investigate if and how risk management within the automotive industry has contributed to the outcome of semiconductor shortage, which has been affecting the industry since the beginning of ... -
Biologisk mångfald ur svenska privatinvesterares perspektiv
(2022-04-07)Förlusten av den biologiska mångfalden är en kris som blir allt mer framträdande. Samtidigt fortsätter den finansiella sektorn att investera miljardbelopp i företag och projekt som går att identifiera som bidragande faktorer. ... -
Socially Responsible Investing. Young adults attitude and propensity to invest green
(2022-04-07)This study’s purpose is to see if young adults between the ages of 18 and 30, invest sustainably and if there are factors that influence their decision making process when making green investments and if there are determining ... -
(2022-04-07)This study examines the predictive ability of ten financial ratios on annual stock returns at a one-year horizon. Ratios and stock returns are observed for the S&P Global 100 Index over the time period 2000 to 2020. The ... -
The link between ESG and financial performance in sensitive and non-sensitive industries. A quantitative study of the European market
(2022-04-07)Purpose: The topic of ESG and its relationship with financial performance has been studied by researchers for the last decades. In this thesis, to further understand the relationship between ESG and financial performance, ... -
The impact of the method of payment on the excess return in M&As
(2022-04-07)There is extensive literature regarding M&A and how it is a crucial part in companies growth strategy. Furthermore, several authors have found in their research that there exists a relationship between the method of payment ... -
Kill your darlings. A case study on balancing perform and transform towards net zero emission and what implications shifts in green technology may have on business models
(2022-04-07)Large manufacturing companies with the ability to use internal sources of capital to finance their investments in green technologies face several complex issues and decisions on how to perform today to finance their ... -
Pricing European Options with the Black-Scholes and Monte Carlo Methods: a Comparative Study
(2022-04-07)Option pricing is a central concept in finance. Since F. Black and M. Scholes in troduced their formula for pricing options in 1973 it has been widely adopted, but it has also been proven to have some limitations in its ... -
Den nya EU-taxonomin och dess påverkan på extern finansiering i fastighetssektorn
(2022-04-07)In December 2015, the countries of the world agreed on a new climate agreement, the Paris Agreement. An agreement that includes 17 sustainability goals that should be achieved by the world community before 2030. In line ...