Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Företagsekonomiska institutionen: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 86
Essays on behavioral determinants of earnings quality
(2018-12-20)The neoclassical economic view of the firm - upon which most of the empirical financial accounting research is based - assumes that managers are rational wealth optimizers. Therefore, managers are considered homogeneous ... -
Licensing Games
(2018-12-14)Patents are legal instruments that protect ideas, and the rise of a knowledge-based society was inevitably accompanied with their increased economic importance. As a result of this growth, patented technology became an ... -
On Consumer Experiences and the Extraordinary
(2018-08-20)In today’s society, consumers are increasingly looking for experiences that are hedonic, positively intense, and intrinsically enjoyable, or what is called an extraordinary experience. Although, extraordinary experience ... -
Företagsledares arbete och tillväxt
(2018-03-27)The overall aim of this study is to contribute to knowledge about the relationship between what entrepreneurs do and firm growth. This aim have been translated into three research questions: (1) What characterizes the work ... -
Mitt hem och min ekonomi - en studie av hur bostadsrättsköpare kalkylerar
(2017-12-20)My home and my economy - A study of how purchasers of a cooperative apartment calculate To purchase a dwelling is one of the biggest investments in a person’s life and probably the financial decision that affects the ... -
Resource Base Change and Development during the Internationalization Process: The Case of a Swedish Fashion Firm
(2017-11-30)This thesis examines the processes that define the change and development of a firm’s resources and capabilities during the internationalization process. Prior research shows that a firm’s resources and capabilities have ... -
To Be or Not to Be… - Brand Affiliaton in the Hotel Industry
(2017-11-28)A large proportion of any business’s value comprises intangible assets, and for many businesses a considerable part of these assets' value is attributable to brands with which businesses affiliate. In light of increasing ... -
The Internet of Things: Projects-Places-Policies
(2017-10-03)The ongoing transition from the Internet age to the Internet of Things age is a paradigm shift of knowledge production and interactions: information and knowledge can be produced and disseminated either without or with ... -
Negotiating the Value(s) of Design(ing): An Organisational Inquiry
(2017-09-29)Organisations are increasingly calling upon design as a strategic asset to generate innovation as part of a wider fascination with ‘design thinking’ in business. Recent scholarship has tended to emphasise design’s many ... -
Social Marketing through Events
(2017-05-19)In today’s society, events are used as a mens to achieve a variety of goals, including increased tourism and economic improvement. Events also offer opportunities for communication, both through the visitor experience ... -
The Logics of Healthcare – In Quality Improvement Work
(2017-03-17)Quality improvement (QI) has become a cornerstone in contemporary healthcare organizations with the aim of enabling management that facilitates efficiency and effectiveness, while providing a consistent correlation between ... -
The internationalization Process of Online Service Providers – Geographical Perspectives on the Emerging Online Economy
(2016-12-08)This study is a compilation thesis consisting of an introduction and five separate articles. It explores the process of internationalization for Online Services Providers (OSPs) and its effect on the economic geography ... -
Inclusive place branding – What it is and how to progress towards it
(2016-11-24)In recent years, scholars have called for a reconceptualisation of place branding. Due to the complex nature of places, the involvement of multiple stakeholders, not least residents, is critical. There is a need for several ... -
Hållbarhetsredovisningens innehåll. Vad har en inverkan på hur hållbarhetsredovisningens innehåll upprättas?
(2016-09-20)Hållbarhetsredovisningens innehåll Vad har en inverkan på hur hållbarhetsredovisningens innehåll upprättas? Sustainability accounting has the potential to help companies drive their sustainability work forward. To reach ... -
Identitet i arbete(t) – Chefers reflektioner om arbetets dimensioner
(2016-08-18)Managers’ reflections about dimensions at work The purpose of this thesis is to identify, describe and develop the understanding of what aspects at work are important for individuals' identity construction. In this ... -
Artificiell styrning av resultat – Om ekonomi, politik och tjänstemän
(2016-05-12)The subject of this thesis is artificial earnings management in municipalities. Its occurrence is linked to the premise that politicians act in a political market and therefore have incentives to affect the picture of the ... -
Re-Searching Stewardship
(2016-04-07)Since the theory of stewardship was introduced, there have been various studies testing the constructs of stewards and stewardship. Stewardship research has largely been conducted in unrelated contexts and with a variety ... -
(2016-03-08)The questions addressed here are of interest to those who are currently studying and developing retail marketplaces. Development in Sweden shows that retail marketplaces evolve into even larger places, and with an increasing ... -
It’s Not What You Sell – It’s Whom You Sell it To: How the Customer’s Character Shapes Brands and What Companies Do About it”
(2015-12-18)In this dissertation I investigate the effects of user and usage imagery on brands and how businesses employ user imagery to build brands. Over four articles I present results that suggest that user imagery affects brand ... -
Management accounting fashion setting - Studies on supply-side actors in Sweden
(2015-08-20)The successful introduction of a number of new management accounting concepts or management accounting innovations (MAIs) over recent decades, such as activi-ty-based costing and the balanced scorecard, has had a significant ...