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Before the ‘European Miracles’. Four Essays on Swedish Preconditions for Conquest, Growth, and Voice
(2005)Abstract Before the ‘European Miracles’. Four Essays on Swedish Preconditions for Conquest, Growth, and Voice. (Publications of the Department of Economic History, School of Economics and Commercial Law, Göteborg ... -
Järnets tid. Den svenska landsbygdsbefolkningens järninnehav och järnkonsumtion 1750-1870
(2003)Abstract The preeindustrial possession and consumption of iron in rural Sweden 1750- 1870. (Publications of the Department of Economic History, School of Economics and Commercial Law, Göteborg university no 89) ISSN ... -
Kartellen som sprängdes. Svensk bryggeriindustri under institutionell och strukturell omvandling 1945–1975
(2006)Kartellen som sprängdes. The Swedish brewing industry during institutional and structural change 1945 – 1975. (Publications of the Department of Economic history, School of Business, Economics and Law, Göteborg University, ... -
Konsten att skapa pengar. Aktiebolagens genombrott och finansiell modernisering kring sekelskiftet 1900
(2006)The joint-stock companies with limited liability have been argued to encourage large-scale risky investments through the structure of residual claims and, at the same time, to minimize the conflict between utility maximization ... -
Möten med marknaden. Tre svenska fackförbunds agerande under perioden 1945-1976
(2002)This is a study of how trade unions act when they are confronted with the consequences of innovations in their own sector of the economy. The framework in which this is studied, basically consists of Mancur Olson's ... -
Omvälvningarnas tid: Handelshuset Ekman i Göteborg på en europeisk kreditmarknad 1790–1820
(2011-01-26)The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to chart and analyze the flow of payments and credits to and from Gothenburg for the period 1790−1820, with a special interest in the transactions involving The Merchant House ... -
Samhävd och rågång. Om egendomsrelationer, ägoskiften och marknadsintegration i en värmländsk skogsbygd 1630-1750.
(2002)THY NEIGHBOURS PROPERTY. Property Relations, Enclosures and Market Integration in a Forest District of Central Sweden 1630-1750. (Publications of the Department of Economic History, School of Economics and Commercial Law, ... -
Svenska arbetsgivareföreningen och arbetskraftsinvandringen 1945-1972
(2012-05-09)Labour migration to Sweden is analysed from an employer perspective. The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to determine how the Swedish Employer Confederation (SAF) and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) ...