Visar nyckelord: "Economic History"
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Bolagsrevisorn - En studie av revisionsverksamhet under sent 1800-tal och tidigt 1900-tal. Från frivillighet till lagreglering och professionalisering.
(2010-03-16)The development of Swedish auditing, in light of the increase in legislation of limited liability companies and the international history of audit at the turn of the 20th century, is investigated. An important factor is ... -
A decisive intelligence failure? British intelligence on Soviet war potential and the 1939 Anglo-French-Soviet alliance that never was
(2008-03-06)In 1939 the British Government tried to assess Soviet war potential in order to know more about their potential ally, as part of the negotiations concerning an Anglo-French-Soviet alliance. British assessments of Soviet ... -
Economic Growth and Clean Water in the Göta River - A Pilot Study of Collective Action and the Environmental Kuznets Curve 1895-2000
(2011-10)Because of a growing population and industrialization, total pollution levels in many water-courses around the world have increased considerably for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In the last few decades, however, ... -
Flexibility and protectionism. Swedish trade in sugar during the early modern era
(2006)Sugar was of the utmost importance for the development of a transatlantic trade during the early modern era. This working paper explores the impact of institutions and institutional changes of the colonial trade in sugar ... -
From extreme luxury to everyday commodity Sugar in Sweden, 17th to 20th centuries
(2007-11-12)This paper will focus upon the Swedish consumption of sugar, a product that illustrates the shift from being a luxury to being a mass-consumed commodity. Very little attention has been paid to the commodity of sugar by ... -
Levnadsstandarden speglad i bouppteckningar : En undersökning av två metoder att använda svenska bouppteckningar för en levnadsstandardsundersökning samt en internationell
(2007-11-08)The standard of living in the pre-industrial world is an interesting but challenging subject. No single method alone can solve the problem. In order to grasp the standard of living several methods must be used, and work ... -
The price of sugar in Sweden : Data, source & methods
(2007-11-08)This paper presents a new price series for sugar in Sweden, or more exactly Stockholm, in a long-term perspective (1624–1900). Prior to this, no price data has been available from Sweden for this commodity. The paper is ... -
Structural Change in the Swedish economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century – The role of import substitution and export demand
(2007-02-21)The paper presents input-output tables for the Swedish economy for 1885, 1898 and 1913. These tables are used to explore structural change and to decompose Swedish economic growth in 1885–1898 and 1898–1913 into different ... -
Thy neighbour’s property. Communal property rights and institutional change in an iron producing forest district of Sweden 1630-1750
(2005)This paper focuses on the development of property rights to village com-mons, as they appear in the court rolls of a legal district in Sweden in the late 17th and the early 18th century. A development of agrarian property ...