Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 641-660 of 850
”Fiskar, apor, hajar och vänner” - En undersökning om användningen av mobiltelefon och kamera vid besök på science centre
(2010-09-24)Under senare år har den privata och offentliga sektorn blivit allt mer intresserad av att investera i museum och science centres för att öka kunskap kring vetenskap hos allmänheten (Heath & vom Lehn, 2008). Den här uppsatsen ... -
Den agila utvecklingen - En jämförelse mellan teori och praktik
(2010-09-24)Den agila utvecklingen har på senare år fått allt mer uppmärksamhet då många företag börjat införa det agila arbetssättet och de agila metoderna i deras organisationer. Det agila arbetssättet utgår från att fokus ligger ... -
Inspelning av röstsamtal vid räddningsinsatser - En studie om vilken nytta och möjliga utmaningar det finns kring inspelning av röstsamtal vid räddningsinsatser.
(2010-09-24)Den här studien handlar om inspelning av röstsamtal vid räddningsinsatser. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka och se vilken nytta inspelning av röstsamtal vid räddningsinsatser kan medföra. Utöver nyttan har vi ... -
”Spelar du in samtalet?” - En studie om privatpersoners inställning till och behov av inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal.
(2010-09-24)Den här studien handlar om inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal. Studiens syfte var att undersöka privatpersoners inställning samt behov av inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal och identifiera hur de anses kunna dra nytta av denna ... -
Att ta in världen i klassrummet - Hur påverkas grundskoleelevens digitala kompetens av en personlig bärbar dator?
(2010-09-24)Utbildningsväsendet i Sverige går alltmer mot ”framtidens läromiljö” vilket innebär att IT får en mer framträdande roll i undervisningen. Partille kommun har därför utrustat 400 elever med en egen bärbar dator på tre ... -
Event-Driven Architecture and SOA in collaboration - A study of how Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) interacts and functions within Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
(2010-09-24)Over the years many different architecture styles and concepts have evolved. Two are Service Oriented architecture (SOA) and Event Driven Architecture (EDA). Both styles are revolutionary and have great benefits for the ... -
Exploring Technical and Behavioral Aspects for Public Motion Controlled Applications’ Development Using 3D TOF Camera
(2010-09-24)Context: Remarkable advances in multimedia games can be seen during recent years. In this thesis a novel way of playing games, merely using human body parts, is under consideration just like XBOX Natal concept [2]. To ... -
Software Requirements Division - An Interview Study at Saab AB, Electronic Defence Systems
(2010-09-24)Software requirements are a crucial part of software development. They are also part of the main reason why projects fail. The previous research in the area of software requirements has not been focused on the division ... -
Technologies for Sustainable Society - Optimizing Waste Management & Recycling Concerns through Domain Analysis
(2010-09-24)The focus of this study is put on the area of waste management and recycling. Through this study, the paper discusses how information technology (IT) can be incorporated within the focal area into making the environment ... -
Reviewing how Customers benefit from IT-Companies using Lean
(2010-09-24)In this research, we aim to show the customer advantages of Lean applied in IT. This is done by analyzing what literature and research proposes as general advantages of Lean with focus on the IT industry, which are then ... -
Mobile Sales, a mobile CRM solution.
(2010-02-10)The users of today live and work in a ubiquitous environment (an environment surrounded by computers) and this implies that mobile technology is ever present. But there are unfortunately still problems with mobile systems. ... -
Analysis of the Agile Deployment
(2010-02-10)Nowadays, software project management is becoming more and more important since a project needs an organized plan to follow through. There are two famous models in this area, which are Waterfall Process Model and Agile ... -
A Quality-based Framework for Leveraging the Process of Mashup Component Selection
(2010-02-10)Mashups are a new and interesting brand of Web 2.0 applications. They are simply built from available mashup components on the Web providing functionality, and content. The ever-increasing number and diversity of mashup ... -
Standardiserad systemlösning för mikroföretag
(2010-02-10)The thesis is about exploring possibilities for developing a standardised system solution for micro businesses, this since most of the micro business lack proper system solutions, a contributing factor of this is price and ... -
A Case Study: Moving from ad hoc to agile software development
(2009-12-21)A small, young and rapidly growing software company will be investigated throughout this paper using the interpretive case study method. The company has desiderated support in structuring daily work, contemporaneously ... -
How to Deal With Speed Degradation in Computers of Today and What Causes It
(2009-12-21)Newly installed computer systems are always running fast, but as time increases, more and more computer system speed will gradually become slower. This is a big headache for most of the computer users. Therefore it is ... -
SUBJECT TO EMBODIMENT Rethinking Embodiment, Presence and the Body
(2009-12-21)With an objective to expand knowledge of physicality as an artistic tool, this paper explores the terms of phenomenological embodiment from the different perspective that is commonly applied in art theory. By presenting ... -
WHEREVER THE END TAKES ME the palindromic journey of existence
(2009-12-21)This work is an attempt to awknowledge the common ground that lies between the artist, the object of inquiry presented and the viewer. The object of inquiry being the woman as the Other. The gaze as the crucial element ... -
VICTIMS, VICTIMIZERS, VOYEURS: scratching the surface of daily life in search for evil
(2009-12-21)In this paper, I discuss some of the main ideas that surround my art project Interview, which was created as my final master degree project. It included eleven volunteers who were filmed while they underwent an interview ... -
A Comparative Study of Silverlight 2 and JavaFX Performance
(2009-12-21)Web applications are applications that are executed in a web browser. There are several technologies available for the development of web applications. The availability of these different technologies is a good thing. ...