IT Faculty / IT-fakulteten: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 118
A Survey on Satisfiability Checking for the μ -Calculus Through Tree Automata
(2022)Algorithms for model checking and satisfiability of the modal μ -calculus start by converting formulas to alternating parity tree automata. Thus, model checking is reduced to checking acceptance by tree automata and ... -
Plug & Play? Stakeholders’ co-meaningmaking of gamification implementations in workplace learning environments
(2023-01-12)This dissertation discusses the implementation process of gamification in organisations’ workplace learning environments, focusing on four stakeholder groups: Administrators, Leaders, Providers and Users. These stakeholder ... -
Automated replication of tuple spaces via static analysis
(2022)Coordination languages for tuple spaces can offer significant advantages in the specification and implementation of distributed systems, but often do require manual programming effort to ensure consistency. We propose an ... -
Modelling Flocks of Birds from the Bottom Up
(2022)We argue that compositional specification based on formal languages can facilitate the modelling of, and reasoning about, sophisticated collective behaviour in many natural systems. One defines a system in terms of individual ... -
A PO Characterisation of Reconfiguration
(2022)We consider partial order semantics of concurrent systems in which local reconfigurations may have global side effects. That is, local changes happening to an entity may block or unblock events relating to others, namely, ... -
On the Specification and Monitoring of Timed Normative Systems
(2022)In this article we explore different issues and design choices that arise when considering how to fully embrace timed aspects in the formalisation of normative systems, e.g., by using deontic modalities, looking primarily ... -
Runtime Verification of Kotlin Coroutines
(2022)Kotlin was introduced to Android as the recommended language for development. One of the unique functionalities of Kotlin is that of coroutines, which are lightweight tasks that can run concurrently inside threads. Programming ... -
AspectSol: A Solidity Aspect-Oriented Programming Tool with Applications in Runtime Verification
(International Conference on Runtime Verification, 2022)Aspect-oriented programming tools aim to provide increased code modularity by enabling programming of cross-cutting concerns separate from the main body of code. Since the inception of runtime verification, aspect-oriented ... -
Tainting in Smart Contracts: Combining Static and Runtime Verification
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS,volume 13498), 2022)Smart contracts exist immutably on blockchains, making their pre-deployment correctness essential. Moreover, they exist openly on blockchains—open for interaction with any other smart contract and offchain entity. Interaction, ... -
Model Checking Reconfigurable Interacting Systems
(International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 2022)Reconfigurable multi-agent systems consist of a set of autonomous agents, with integrated interaction capabilities that feature opportunistic interaction. Agents seemingly reconfigure their interactions interfaces by forming ... -
Runtime Verification meets Controller Synthesis
(2022)Reactive synthesis guarantees correct-by-construction controllers from logical specifications, but is costly—2EXPTIME-complete in the size of the specification. In a practical setting, the desired controllers need to ... -
R-CHECK: A Model Checker for Verifying Reconfigurable MAS
(AAMAS 2022, 2022)Reconfigurable multi-agent systems consist of a set of autonomous agents, with integrated interaction capabilities that feature opportunistic interaction. Agents seemingly reconfigure their interactions interfaces by ... -
Incorporating Monitors in Reactive Synthesis without Paying the Price
(19th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 2021)Temporal synthesis attempts to construct reactive programs that satisfy a given declarative (LTL) formula. Practitioners have found it challenging to work exclusively with declarative speci cations, and have found ... -
Användning av mobiltelefoner i den digitaliserade skolan: Elever och lärares perspektiv
(2022-11-10)På ett övergripande plan problematiserar avhandlingen skolans digitalisering och dess konsekvenser för både elevers och lärares skolvardag. Mer specifikt syftar avhandlingen till att fördjupa kunskapen om användningen av ... -
Groupoid-Valued Presheaf Models of Univalent Type Theory
(2022-11-03)One main goal of this thesis is to study constructive models of type theory with one univalent universe that interpret types by “presheaves” of groupoids. A starting point is the fact that the groupoid model can be ... -
Discretion, automated decision-making and public values: Background and test of an approach for unpacking human and technological agency
(2022)This study aims to develop a theoretical and analytical approach for studying discretion, automated decision-making (ADM) and the consequential public values. This is achieved through our proposed approach, an overview ... -
Facilitating Feature-Oriented Quality Assurance in Low-Maturity Variant-rich Systems
(2022-09-08)Context: Many software systems exist in several variants customized for specific stakeholder requirements, such as different market segments or hardware constraints. This customization introduces a high level of complexity ... -
Actions over Core-closed Knowledge Bases
(2022)We present new results on the application of semantic- and knowledge-based reasoning techniques to the analysis of cloud deployments. In particular, to the security of Infrastructure as Code configuration files, encoded ...