Preproduction environment for GUPEA: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 63598
Vad har hänt med vår vackra sport? En studie om sport som maktpolitiskt medel
(2023-01-30)Under flera år har vi tittat på hur länder tvättar sin smutsiga byk offentligt genom att anordna sportevenemang. Qatar, Ryssland och Kina är bara några exempel på skurkstater som arrangerat större sportevenemang de senaste ... -
Unga väljare: den progressiva eller polariserade generationen? En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan jämställdhetsattityder och könsgapet i populistisk radikalhögerröstning bland unga väljare i Sveriges riksdagsval 2018 & 2022
(2023-01-30)This study aims to scrutinize the gender gap in populist radical right voting among young voters, and whether differences in gender values can explain it. There is a debate in previous research on whether conservative or ... -
ATT STÅ I KÖ FÖR ATT RÖSTA En kvalitativ intervjustudie om köande väljares uppfattningar och tankegångar kring valköer i det svenska riksdagsvalet 2022
(2023-01-30)A new electoral law was implemented in the Swedish parliamentary election of 2022. The aim was to strengthen electoral secrecy and meant that the voters took their ballot papers one by one behind the voting booth. Accordingly, ... -
NATO VÅR NYA VÄN En beskrivande studie om Sveriges socialisering med Nato under den postneutrala-eran
(2023-01-30)In this study the theory of state socialisation is used to describe how norms of international poles defuse to small states, which are trying to adopt their foreign policy, in an attempt becoming members of the pole. The ... -
IMPORTED LABOUR: THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL NORM TRANSFER IN IDEA-DRIVEN AID? How the Solidarity Norm was Transferred in the Swedish-Vietnamese Aid Project Bai Bang
(2023-01-30)Norms present at the international arena is a topic of interest for researchers belonging to the school of constructivism. One being Stålgren (2006), who claims that the core norms in idea-driven projects risks being ... -
(2023-01-30)Syftet med uppsatsen har varit förklara Sveriges beslut att ansöka om Natomedlemskap utifrån tre IP-perspektiv, nämligen realism, liberalism och konstruktivism och därmed härleda mer specifika förklaringar till denna typen ... -
SPELAR ANDELEN KVINNLIGA UTÖVARE NÅGON ROLL? En kvantitativ studien om sambandet mellan andelen kvinnliga utövare och den kvinnliga representationen i Sveriges specialidrottsförbund
(2023-01-30)En tredjedel av alla svenskar är engagerade i idrottsrörelsen på ett eller annat sätt och föreningslivet i Sverige har haft en betydande roll för demokratin och dess framväxt i landet. Trots idrottsrörelsens stora betydelse ... -
WHY WOMEN’S DESCRIPTIVE REPRESENTATION DOES NOT LEAD TO SUBSTANTIVE REPRESENTATION: An interview study of women politician’s perceptions of hindrances for political inclusion in Bolivia
(2023-01-30)The purpose of this study is to understand why a high descriptive representation does not result in a high substantive representation. The theory of politics of presence (Phillips, 1995) suggests that there should be a ... -
MUNKMODELLEN – NÅGOT NYTT UNDER SOLEN? En idéanalys av social-, ekonomisk- och ekologisk hållbarhet i Agenda 2030 och Munkmodellen
(2023-01-30)Today, the world faces numerous social-, economic- and ecological challenges every day. Due to these challenges, the need for a transition to sustainable systems has increased. Agenda 2030 and Doughnut Economics are two ... -
IS POLITICAL CORRUPTION A MISSING PIECE IN THE PUZZLE OF AUTOCRATIZATION? A quantitative study of the relationship between changes in levels of political corruption and changes in levels of democracy
(2023-01-30)While previous research has examined how levels of democracy affect corruption, the number of studies investigating how levels of corruption affect democracy is limited. Declining levels of democracy, or autocratization, ... -
Europa in Bewegung Zum Europa-Essay bei Hans Magnus Enzensberger.
(2023-01-30)This thesis discusses the essay as a literary genre whose form is particularly apt to be compared to the structure of Europe. First, the theoretical discussion of cultural, literary and cartographic borders of Europe ... -
Kommunernas finanser 1998
(2000) -
Kommunernas finanser 1997