Game Design Patents - Protecting the Internal Mechanisms of Video Games?
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the importance of patents as a means to protect the
design of video games. It also includes a survey of relevant patents in the on-line database of
the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
The background theory explains the basics of Intellectual Property law, and attempts to
highlight the differences in protection provided by trademarks, copyright, trade secrets and
patents. Furthermore, the video game industry of 2003 is analyzed; a review of the different
types of companies involved in game production is presented and their internal relationships
and dependencies are reviewed. This section also describes the cycle of innovation in games
and introduces two important concepts; Game Design Patents and Game Design Patterns. The
former defines a specific category of patents aimed at protecting the mechanics and design of
video games, while the latter is a methodology describing different interaction elements in
games. The findings from these sections are applied to research, which includes interviews
with a game designer, a patent attorney and a summary of opinions posted on discussion
forums on the Internet, to form a coherent picture of the current status of patents in the video
game industry.
The second part of the report includes an in-depth study of 50 relevant design patents, an
analysis of the current classification in the database of the USPTO and a number of alternative
classification methods to further investigate the character of these patents. The results have
been used to see if there is any other way, besides the current classification, to arrange the
patents to the benefit of game developers or pretty much anyone who does not have the legal
and technical competence of a patent attorney.
The report concludes that currently, patents are not considered an effective way to
protect the design of a video game, and developers mainly rely on copyright and trade secret
law to protect their work. Developers are generally not concerned with the risks of patent
infringement, as most patent owners do not actively enforce their patents. However, a number
of future scenarios were discussed in which patents may gain increased importance. As for the
second part of the survey, it proved extremely difficult to find an alternative way to categorize
game design patents since they are built on established legal abstractions constructed solely to
aid the examiners at the patent office. Attempts were made to use game genres and design
patterns to model the substance of each one of the 50 design patents, but none of the methods
proved adequately satisfying. The study of patent references show that a number of patent
classes are particularly relevant, and these should be monitored in order to keep track of new
issuances. Coming up with a solution that effectively manages the pool of existing patents is
another matter though and this is particularly troublesome since patents can stay valid for up to
20 years.
Student essay
Göteborg University. School of Business, Economics and Law
Davidsson, Ola
game development
game design