The Local Government Audit a study of the effects expected from the new legislation Healthy Finances
Background and problem: The Swedish municipalities and county councils have
from the beginning of the 1990s been burdened with extensive financial problems.
As a result of the municipalities and county councils poor financial situation and
failure to handle the effects of the deteriorating economical conditions, new firmer
rules and regulations were established. As of the fiscal year of 2005 the
municipalities are required to not only strive for fiscal balance, but to focus more on
the requirement Healthy Finances. The local government auditing is an important
part of the democratic system and the authors believe this matter is of high
importance and worth studying.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to survey what affects the new legislation
Healthy Finances will have on the local government auditors’ audit work when it
comes to the day-to-day work, the work with budgets and forecasts, the work with
annual and interim reports and the role of the local government auditor.
Delimitation: In this thesis four municipalities in the western part of Sweden are
investigated. Only chairmen and vice chairmen of the auditors in the investigated
municipalities are included in the study. Since the study cannot examine every
aspect of the legislation, the authors have therefore chosen only to examine the
audit work of the local government auditors affected by the legislation.
Methodology: This thesis is based on a hermeneutic approach and is a qualitative
study based on personal interviews using a questionnaire.
Results and conclusion: The local government auditors expect the new legislation
to mean a deeper involvement in the day-to-day work, with an increase of the
auditing and a need for improved communication. The role of the local government
auditor will be strengthened as a result of the new legislation. The new legislation
will also increase the involvement in the audit of the annual reports as well as a
harmonization of the work process between municipalities regarding the work with
interim reports.
Suggestions for further research: Suggestions for future studies would be to, in
one or two years from now, carry out a research similar to the one carried out by the
authors of this thesis. The object would be to investigate the actual effects of the
new legislation Healthy Finances and compare them with the expectations surveyed
in this thesis.
Student essay
Göteborg University. School of Business, Economics and Law
Sjölin, Joakim
Jivegård, Johan
Externredovisning och företagsanalys