The New Auditing Standard in Sweden - What are the effects of a more detailed auditing standard?
Background and problem: During the last couple of years there have been a great
number of accounting scandals throughout the world. The line of auditing is by this
time going through extensive changes when the rules are changed nationally and
internationally. As an adaptation of Swedish accounting and auditing into international
standards, a New Auditing Standard in Sweden that compensates for the former
Auditing Process has been appointed. The main problem of this thesis is: what are the
effects of a more detailed auditing standard?
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of the more detailed
New Auditing Standard in Sweden. The authors will investigate how it has affected the
responsibility of the auditor and if the quality of the auditing has improved since the
New Auditing Standard was introduced.
Delimitations: The authors can not investigate every aspect of audit regulation and
have therefore decided to concentrate more on the aspect of the auditor, and less on the
aspect of the companies of which the audit is made. The authors have chosen to
delimitate the thesis to the 200 series of the New Auditing Standard.
Methodology: This thesis is based on the qualitative approach. The empirical material
has been collected through qualitative interviews.
Results and conclusion: The effects for large and small companies are different.
Cooperation is the key to an audit of high quality. Regulation is only on of the tools in
the procedure, the auditor’s choices are influenced by a lot of factors in the
surroundings. A more detailed regulation leaves the auditors with a narrower scope to
make judgments on their own. Since all companies are different there is no template to
follow while conducting the audit, therefore the audit has to be adapted to each
Suggestions for further research: It would be interesting to investigate what effects
the New Auditing Standard has had from the companies’ point of view. In addition, it
would be of great interest to investigate further if the requirement for an audit should be
kept or not for small companies. Additionally; an investigation of possible scenarios in
the future would be of significant interest.
Student essay
Göteborg University. School of Business, Economics and Law
Emander, Cecilia
Andersson, Carina
Externredovisning och företagsanalys