Slutrapport nätverk informatik
The purpose of the network has been 1) to collect and spread knowledge about the development of the Informatics field and best practices at different Swedish universities, 2) to collect and spread knowledge about pedagogical issues and 3) to develop and deliver a common international distance education masters programme. An inventory of Swedish Systems Science and Informatics programmes has been conducted. The inventory has identified over 60 educational programmes within the field with a wide variety of labels. The field is quite broad and education can lead to a number of different professional roles. As the major discipline and programme names both vary, a categorization into different professional roles is suggested. All Swedish universities providing Systems Science education has been invited to participate in the network. In addition to the universities initially participating, another eight universities have elected to join the network. During the network project, three physical meetings have taken place, focussing on student mobility, learning outcomes, differences and likenesses between different educational programmes, strategies for Bologna-adaption, cooperation between universities, the common master´s programme and the continued existence of the network. The common master´s programme (120 ECTS) started for the first time in the fall of 2007. It attracted a sufficient number of Swedish and international students. The programme is given entirely as an Internet-supported distance education. The continuation of the network will focus on development of a web-site with relevant and continuously updated information about Systems Science and Informatics education in Sweden. Further physical meetings to discuss the development of the discipline are also planned.
Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildning