Programutbildningar på distans - Erfarenhetsutbyte och utvärdering
The aim of this project has been to survey the advantages and problems that arise when a programme is transformed from being a campus education to a distance education. The paper is based on experiences gained during discussions in the project group and on the results from two surveys answered by programme coordinators from more than 20 universities in Sweden. By sharing experiences the members of the project group have been more successful in their work to improve distance education and support other teachers during planning and realization. The experiences from distance education have a positive effect on campus education. The project group found that it is very important to share experiences and discuss how to realize a successful distance education; forums for discussion must be created. The paper ends with recommendations and matters to consider when starting a distance programme. Examination process must be adapted to distance education (i.e. net based examination, virtual oral examination). Increase the use of synchronous communication to enhance collaborative learning. Develop a common policy for how distance education should be carried out and disseminate it among all teachers and students (i.e. response time, handling of examination, compulsory meetings). Facilitate possibilities for students to change from a distance program to a campus based program and vice versa. Facilitate planed flexibilities to make it easier for students that want to combine studies with work (life long learning).
Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildning
Nilsson, Harriet
Lindgren, Lars
NSHU 1:2006