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dc.contributor.authorFransson, Åsa
dc.contributor.authorHussein, Uzma
dc.description.abstractPrevious it has been considered that persons with monaural hearing losses managed without problems if the hearing of the opposite ear was normal. Studies have shown that many children with monaural hearing losses experience great difficulties connected to hearing. Studies have shown that many children with monaural hearing losses experience great difficulties connected to hearing. The purpose the report was to do a retrospective study of journals to check what kind of rehabilitation was offered to children with monaural hearing losses, respective received, from Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. The selection of subjects was individuals that in 2007 have reached the age between 3 and 20 together with received rehabilitation Types of hearing aids that have been offered, respective tried, by the selected group was relative high (90%), however, it was interesting that as many as 20% had not met the psychosocial resources which was available by the team when the possibility to meet the team should have been offered to all children with diagnosed hearing reduction. The results have been surprisingly positive. Further research about the subject can contribute to new guide lines and routines for recommendations of hearing aids and for follow-up studies of the children and their families.en
dc.subjectEnsidig dövhet, ensidig hörselnedsättning, barn, habiliteringen
dc.subjectMonaural deafness, monaural hearing impairment, children, rehabilitationen
dc.titleVilken habilitering erbjuds barn med monaural hörselnedsättning? – en journalstudieen
dc.title.alternativeWhat kind of habilitation is being offered to children with monaural deafness/hearing impairment? – A study of journalsen
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologiswe
dc.contributor.departmentGothenburg University/Institute of Neuroscience and Physiologyen
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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