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dc.contributor.authorPérez Prieto, Héctor
dc.contributor.authorBjörklund, Elisabeth
dc.contributor.authorBryntesson, Ylva
dc.contributor.authorJansson, Karin
dc.contributor.authorRhöse-Martinsson, Eva
dc.description.abstractThe overall goal of the project has been to increase the teacher students' knowledge regarding research and the teacher profession. At Karlstad University, the general introduction course in research methodology was combined with an intensive course in life history methodology, designed for students/tutors and focusing on Teacher Research – Method – Interviewing – Interview Analysis – Essay Writing. The contents have been revised and published in a methodology book. During the course, teacher students have carried out life story interviews with practising teachers and used the interviews as an arena for common reflection. These reflections have been introduced into a wider context and formed the basis for further reflections on previous studies. The teacher training colleges in Borås, Falun, och Malmö also participated.en
dc.subjectTeacher educationen
dc.subjectexamination worken
dc.subjectteacher professionen
dc.subjectteacher worken
dc.subjectlife storiesen
dc.titleLärares arbete och blivande lärares examensarbete - En arena för gemensam yrkesreflektionen
dc.contributor.organizationAvdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap, barn och samhälle. Karlstads universitet

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