Department of Conservation / Institutionen för kulturvård: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 121-140 av 613
Connecting the dots - mapping the use of conservation records for quantification and research
(2020-08-05)This study addresses the potential use of information from conservation records for research and quantification purposes. The aim of this study is to map out the information types and documentation methods in Swedish ... -
(2020-08-05)Daguerreotypes as a material are unique, While the image is created on a silver plate they cannot be treated like normal silverware nor can they be treated like other photographic material. There have been a series of ... -
PRESERVING ARCHIVE - A Theoretical Study of a Site-specific Composite Installation Artwork Sofia
(2020-08-05)This thesis is a theoretical study of the installation artwork Archive exhibited at the Gothenburg Museum of Art. The artwork is site-specific and is created by about 240 different objects, all found in the non-public ... -
3D-skanning som teknik för digital hopsättning - Ett alternativ till fysisk hopsättning inom aktiv konservering
(2020-08-05)This thesis aims to test and assess 3D-scanning and digital reassembly of objects in conservation. To do this, two 3D-scanning techniques have been tested, first scanning with structured light and secondly photogrammetric ... -
TEXTILKONSERVERING I SVERIGE 140 år av utveckling, avveckling och motivering Ylva Persson
(2020-08-05)In this thesis I have asked the question how the textile conservation have changed from the late 19th century to the practice conservators pursue today. Textile conservation has during these 140 years transformed from a ... -
Förvaltning av bostadsrätter - En studie över bostadsrättsföreningars fastighetsförvaltning och förhållningssätt till bevarande
(2020-06-12)Private ownership is an important part of human rights. Since 2000, private home ownership through bostadsrättsföreningar has increased in Sweden. Bostadsrättsförening is a Swedish form of property management where members ... -
Flykten från samtiden - Föreställningar kring ordning och oordning i bevarandet av Göteborgs koloniträdgårdar
(2020-02-19)The purpose of this study is to investigate issues concerning the value and significance of the allotment garden, based on different experiences, ideas and perceptions of the gardens by the different parties involved. The ... -
Let me tell you a story. Illustrated storytelling as a tool for museum learning
(2020-02-19)This thesis analyses the use of illustrated storytelling in a museum environment and the impact it has on children’s learning. The analysis is based on a study made at the Maritime Museum in Oskarshamn. When starting the ... -
Riktlinjer för utvärdering av tidigare konserveringar
(2019-11-04)The aim of this master thesis has been to theoretically describe best practice for non-invasive evaluation of materials and methods used in previously conducted remedial conservation treatments. Here it is suggested that ... -
(2019-10-02)This study is an attempt to investigate how professionals, with different backgrounds and education, within the field of urban planning, cultural heritage and architecture interprets the Swedish legalisation on alteration ... -
Rosta sönder eller torka ut Praktisk konservering och bevarande av komposita föremål av järn och trä - en enkätundersökning
(2019-10-01)Rust or dry out? Objects made of iron and wood require different conservation conditions. Iron needs an RH, lower than 18% so as not to rust while wood wants as much as an RH of 50% so as not to dry out. Will a compromise ... -
Brandsläckningspulver och oljemålningar på duk -En intervjustudie om tillämpliga rengöringsmetoder
(2019-09-13)In the autumn of 2018 during my internship I was cleaning a painting that had been exposed to fire. Beside the damage caused by fire and the degradation caused by age the painting was also covered in powder from a fire ... -
Öxnereds stationshus
(2019-09-11) -
(2019-09-11)This thesis is an attempt to investigate the possibilities of protecting historic neon signs as heritage with some of the two Swedish laws that protect the built heritage. Kulturmiljölagen (SFS 1988:950) and Plan- och ... -
Byggnadskultur och nationsbygge Arkitekt Einar Rudskog och skapandet av en åländsk byggnadsstil
(2019-09-09)This thesis deals with the Swedish architect Einar Rudskog and his task to create an architectural style significant for the Åland islands. Based on his studies in the local vernacular building tradition he de-signed several ... -
GABBEH Kvinnors roll i Qashghai nomader i provinsen Fars, Iran
(2019-06-25)The province of Fars is one of the southern provinces of Iran. Most people in the province speak Persian but the Turkish nomads (Qashqai nomad) speak Turkish. The first historical traces of the Qashqai community in Iran ... -
DEN EMOTIONELLA TEXTILEN En kvalitativ studie av känslor vid återbruk av textilier med affektionsvärde
(2019-06-25)Research shows that people tend to save textiles that hold special meaning and sentimental value. This study aims to find out how it feels to reuse those affective textiles. To examine this, I shared a questionnaire in ... -
Sjöofficershatt och dess hattask En föremålsstudie
(2019-06-19)The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyse a hat and its hat box, originally belonging to an officer of the Swedish marine during the late 19th century. The hat is constructed of different materials such as ... -
Electrolytic Cleaning of Silver Threads -Effects of Electrolytes on the Condition of Silk
(2019-06-19)This thesis investigates localised electrolytic reduction as a method to clean tarnish on silver threads on silk. The tool used is an electrolytic pen called the Pleco that was developed for local treatment of metals on ... -
Morfologiska studier av arkeologiskt trä under järnurlakning
(2019-06-19)A high iron content is often found in archaeological wood recovered from marine environments. During the years of burial, iron will be diffused into the wood matrix which can cause further damage to the wood after excavation. ...