Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 161-180 av 536
Byggnadsdokumentation i 3D. Structure from motion som dokumentationsverktyg för hantverkare
(2018-06-19)The aim of this study is to test and evaluate “structure from motion (SfM)” and the software Agisoft Photo Scan in particular, as a tool for empowering conservation craftspeople to document the built heritage. The study ... -
Jämförande studie om hantering av fragment och lösa delar med okänd tillhörighet i en samling
(2018-06-19)It sometimes happens that loose fragments are found in a collection. Museums and historic houses often have routines for collecting these pieces for a future assembly. But fragments and loose parts may have been found ... -
Vem värdesätter min värld? Kulturarvsanspråk i Christiania, Köpenhamn
(2018-06-19)The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces (Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen) have recognised the military history of Christiania’s area as culturally significant while neglecting the cultural layers which have been created by ... -
Industrialiseringens gröna kulturarv. Tre exempel på grönområden med koppling till industrialismen
(2018-06-19)New thoughts about the importance of nature for the public health were evoked. In Stockholm, a new type of park was developed in the so-called "Stockholmsskolans" ideal, a "natural" park that would benefit public health ... -
Karbonatisering i kalkputs. Hur hantverksmetoder kan påverka processen
(2018-06-19)This thesis illustrates how the rate in which carbonation occurs in plasters with air-lime mortars can be affected by different surface structures and by the application of water as an after treatment over time. In the ... -
Mysteriet kring Karl XI:s namnchiffer från Läckö slott
(2018-06-19)A royal cypher from Läckö castle is stored in the Department of conservation at The University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The cypher did not have much information around it when the investigation started. That all changed when ... -
Drakens son En objektstudie av en kinesisk skulptur på Röhsska Museet
(2018-06-18)This dissertation and object study focuses on a Chinese glazed ceramic sculpture at the Röhsska museum in Gothenburg, Sweden. The sculpture is supposed to be a part of the museum’s new Asian exhibition, at the museums ... -
VARFÖR SLÖJDAR DU? En kvalitativ studie om anledningarna till varför människor idag väljer att slöjda.
(2018-06-14)The purpose of this study is to investigate why people today engage in handicraft. Have the reasons for practicing handicraft changed over the years or have they been the same over time? To examine this I have compared ... -
FOLKLIGT BRODERI FRÅN MARKS HÄRAD - från bruksföremål till landskapssymbol Hillevi Skoglund
(2018-06-14)The question that this essay is trying to answer is what is Marbosöm / Västgötasöm? To answer that question, an object that has been classified as Marbossöm has been compared with what is written about Marbossöm / ... -
KREATIVITETEN FÅR FLÖDA OCH SKAPARGLÄDJEN FÅNGAS en studie om film som intervjumetod och känslorna bakom orden
(2018-06-14)The aim of this essay is to study how we can be stimulated by different emotions when we exercise creative activities. How do we show our emotions? Are all humans easy to read? Do we all look and feel the same when we ... -
”HUR MYCKET BREDARE KAN VI BLI NÄR VI SÄGER ATT ALLA ÄR VÄLKOMNA?” En normkritisk undersökning av tre Makerspaces
(2018-06-14)The purpose of this study is to investigate three Makerspaces in Sweden about how they work with inclusion and equality in their activities. How do they describe their Makerspace based on the concepts, have they experienced ... -
Konstteknisk undersökning av en karaff av äggskal från Nääs slott MED FOKUS PÅ KONSERVERING OCH KOMPLETTERING AV ÄGGSKAL
(2018-06-13)This thesis is an art technical study of a decanter made from ostrich eggshell and brass, from Nääs castle outside of Floda in Västergötland, Sweden. The ocular examination of the object focuses on materials, technical ... -
Studie i retuschering av målningar -historik, begrepp och metoder
(2018-05-30)Retouching or inpainting, a term often used, belongs to restoration and is a complex area that requires interdisciplinary knowledge, both of materials and technology but also a works history and its context. Retouching is ... -
Renbete på vintermarker. Natur och kultur i Sápmi
(2018-05-29)This essay explores reindeer needs of variation in winter grazing lands, with focus on mountain Sámi villages with year-round pasture in Jokkmokk municipality, Norrbotten county, Sweden. It illuminates the relation between ... -
Skolträdgården vid Bällefors skola – en trädgårdshistorisk undersökning med rekonstrueringsförslag
(2018-05-16)In the mid-19th century elementary schools were founded in Sweden, and along with them came school gardens and garden education for children. During the 1890s and 1920s, standard drawings were produced, both at private ... -
SJ:s planteringsväsende – en historisk studie av dess växtmaterial och stilideal 1930-1950
(2018-05-07)This study mainly focuses on the garden architects Enoch Cederplam (1867-1938) and Gösta Reterswärd (1892-1980). They both served as garden directors for the State Railways (SJ) during different periods between 1930-1950. ... -
Borruds säteri - en trädgårdshistorisk undersökning
(2018-05-07)Dating back to the 15th Century, Borrud is one of the oldest manors by the lake Ymsen. Owners through the centuries has put their own mark on the house, garden and adjacent park. The old archives over the estate that one ... -
Mullbänkar i Västergötland - funktion, innehåll, uppbyggnad och syfte.
(2018-05-07)The mullbänk (a Swedish word for an earth bench, greenbank, bank of earth) is one of the garden's cultural heritage, but today often a forgotten part of the garden history. The mullbänk has historically worked, among other ... -
Drottningholms nya lindalléer. En undersökning om beskärningsåtgärder och deras historiska källunderlag
(2018-05-07)Drottningholm palace, one of Sweden's royal palaces had between the years of 1997 - 2011 planted c. 800 lime trees in their avenues for the site's baroque garden. The avenue's original trees have been there since the end ... -
PICASSO UNDER INVESTIGATION Condition Assessment of the Acrobat Family by Pablo Picass
(2018-05-07)This study focuses on a painting on cardboard by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), The Acrobat Family, created in 1905 and currently part of the collection of the Gothenburg Museum of Art. Because of the scarcity of documentation ...