Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 536
Ju fler desto bättre! En studie för att gynna biologisk mångfald i trädgården vid Stadsnära Lantgård i Lidköping
(2018-05-04)Stadsnära Lantgård is an in-town farm, open to the public. The purpose of the company is to work at a local level in order to contribute to a sustainable society. The farm wants to give visitors the opportunity to learn ... -
Bladsticklingar. En undersökning av bladsticklingar som metod för vegetativ förökning av perenna trädgårdsväxter
(2018-05-04)By comparing plant growth, testing different methods for vegetative propagation and then analysing the result, the gardener gains in-depth knowledge of plants and their propagation possibilities. This is something gardener ... -
Räfspinne med knopp. En hantverksundersökning i att fästa räfspinnar i koniska hål
(2018-05-04)This survey investigates a specific method to fasten the teeth in a wooden hayrake. The holes in the head of the hayrake are conical and the teeth are shaped with a small head which keeps it from falling out. There are ... -
De skånska jordvallarnas skydd. En analys av de skånska jordvallarnas lagskydd kopplat till kulturhistoriska och biologiska värden
(2018-05-04)This work compares the legal protection of the traditional Scanian earth-banks with the legal protection of the two very similar landscape elements stonewalls and willow-banks through literature studies. It does so through ... -
Utprickade farleder och flytande sjömärken Kulturlandskap och historisk infrastruktur
(2017-10-18)It is widely known by historians that almost all heavier transports and distant communication in the early history as well as the middle-ages and even during 19th century industrialization were made possible through the ... -
Stavspån. Hur utformningen av bleket påverkar vattenavrinningen
(2017-10-11)Cleft shingles are a traditional wooden roofing covering method. Manufacturing is a time-consuming process and costly if it is made with high quality and it is therefore good if the life span of the roofing is as long as ... -
Nationalromantik - en internationell trend
(2017-10-04)This thesis was dedicated to investigate and discuss the epoque in Sweden that between 1890 to 1920 within arts and culture, with emphasis on architecture, was commonly referred to as national romanticism. The major ... -
Spåren av det gamla Rosenlund - Historiseringen av en föränderlig stadsmiljö
(2017-10-04)This study is about Rosenlund, an area of the central Gothenburg city, that holds a rich history. The area is mainly fameous for the old bastion on site, as well as the fish trade located in the area since the early 19:th ... -
Tvåändsstickning och koginzashi En jämförelse mellan svensk och japansk syn på kulturarv utifrån slöjdtekniker
(2017-09-06)The development of traditional handicrafts techniques and approaches are often considered as a key for their survival. The thesis aims to examine the perspective of cultural heritage through the traditional crafts which ... -
Konstnärligt värde i plan- och bygglagen (2010:900) samt dess relevans i domstolssammanhang
(2017-09-05)The goal of this study is to examine the relevance of the concept artistic value in Swedish court cases that concern institutions in preservation of the built environment in Sweden. This thesis analyses the concept of ... -
Ett nödvändigt arv - De offentliga toaletterna som kulturarv och deras värde
(2017-08-29)The Cultural heritage can sometimes be concealed by the notions of predetermined minds and actions. The aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of the public toilets as material objects and intangible cultural ... -
Spritputs. Hantverklig analys av påslag och brukssammansättning
(2017-08-28)A large number of older buildings are plastered with roughcast by hand. Since these facades have need for maintenance and repair it is important that the knowledge of the craft of roughcasting by hand is properly documented, ... -
STADSINGENJÖREN Ett yrke speglat i S.E. Bengtsons liv och gärning
(2017-08-28)The principle aim of this thesis is to examine the occupational role of the so called city engineers of the early 20th-century and explore how they in their capacities as urban ‘jacks of all trades’ shaped the built ... -
STADENS GÖMDA ARKITEKTUR Antikvarisk värdering och hantering av gårdsfasader kring förra sekelskiftet
(2017-08-28)The purpose of this study is to investigate inner yard facades on buildings erected by the turn of the century and try to understand its roll as a cultural heritage. The study will there after find out how it should be ... -
Landskapsförändringar i fotografier. En flygfoto- och återfotograferingsstudie av Sätraskogens naturreservat
(2017-07-19)The historic usage of Swedish farmlands created a mosaic landscape with many biotopes and a great biological diversity. The landscape is however always changing. Big changes have happened since the 1940s, which has affected ... -
Trädgården vid Hönsäter slott. Historia, nutid och framtid
(2017-07-07)Hönsäter Castle’s history goes back to the 12th century but very little is known about the garden and its early history. The castle’s own archives are gone and the sources in previous studies have therefore been limited. ... -
Medeltida träsnideri. En närstudie av repstavarna i Södra Råda gamla kyrka
(2017-07-04)This study aims to investigate which methods, material and tools that could have been used at the making of the carved ropes in Södra råda old church. The church was built in the early 14th century. In the year 2001, the ... -
Metodutveckling för att okulärt beskriva spritputsens ytstruktur
(2017-07-03)The characteristic surface in rough-cast plasters has been changing ever since masons started using the technique. The changes are due to the variations in architectural styles as well as the progress in the industry ... -
Lyft av liggtimmerhus. Timmermannens erfarenheter och metoder
(2017-07-03)This thesis investigates which lifting methods and what kind of lifting equipment professional and experienced carpenters use when they are jacking up/lifting log houses that is in need of repairing. When performing the ... -
Villaträdgården. En undersökning av två 1920-talsträdgårdar i Alingsås
(2017-06-30)This is a study of the 1920s gardens. By investigating and comparing two villa gardens, from the 1920s, with the conformation of today and the literature written during the same period, have I tried to describe what ...