Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 261-280 av 536
Att odla en matkultur. Grödor ur irakisk, syrisk, turkisk och libanesisk kokkonst som är odlingsbara i Södertälje
(2016-04-14)Municipalities consist of diverse compositions of people; this thesis suggests that locally produced crops should be adapted to the requirements of each specific community. In the case of Södertälje municipality, Sweden, ... -
Aluminiumskulptur i utemiljö En skadeinventering av offentlig skulptur i aluminium
(2016-02-16)The number of publications concerning problems with aluminum sculptures is limited. As a metal it is known for its durability; there are few problems with sculptures indoor. However, when artistic works constructed of ... -
Historiseringen av Kirunas kulturmiljö - i skenet av stadsomvandlingen
(2016-01-21)The city of Kiruna in northern Sweden is in process of transformation as a consequence of the mining industry. Parts of the city centre has to be moved to a new location. Some parts of the built environment will be ... -
En förstudie till analys av kalkputs med tegelstenspulver från den Albanska staden Gjirokaster
(2015-12-14)The thesis is an analysis of cocciopesto plaster from the Albanian city Gjirokaster. Cocciopesto is a plaster or mortar where the main aggregate is crushed brick. The plaster is taken from a water cistern located at the ... -
Sakkunnig kontroll avseende kulturvärden En undersökning av tillämpning och konsekvenser av certifieringssystemet
(2015-12-11)This thesis investigates the system of certification of antiquarians that has been developed by The National Board of Housing in Sweden. The system of certification aims to facilitate the securing of heritage preservation ... -
Fruktträdsskötsel under 400-år En jämförande studie av Stadsmajoren Anders Rosensten och D. Clas Bliechert Trozelius uppfattningar och råd i ämnet fruktträdsskötsel
(2015-11-16)This paper is an attempt to try out the methodology of craft science being under development at the Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg, where crafts man work within for example horticulture is the subject ... -
Centrumplanering i den svenska småstaden Fallstudien Tranås
(2015-11-16)The subject of this essay is to explore city centre planning in a typical Swedish smalltown. The case study is the city of Tranås in the county of Jönköping, Sweden. The purpose is to find out the influences on Tranås first ... -
Ett kulturarv i Stockholms innerstad med exempel från Vasastan
(2015-10-20)In this paper I investigate the role and perceived value of late 19th century and early 20th century fixed interior decors in modern home design ideals. I conduct case studies of four apartments built in Stockholm (Sweden) ... -
Kalkbränning i fältugn. Tillvägagångssätt vid uppbyggnad och eldning
(2015-10-05)A common problem often addressed, within the field of conservation, is the use of plasters and mortars containing cement on old buildings where traditional local lime mortars originally have been used. Documentation thru ... -
Rekonstruktion av ett åttkantigt timrat brunnskar - en källkritisk hantverksstudie
(2015-10-05)This thesis is a critical examination and practical execution of August Holmberg's description and Peter Sjömar’s drawings of a timbered octagonal well curb, as described in August Holmbergs Byggnadslära. The investigation ... -
Traditionell odling av utplanteringsväxter – utan kemisk retardering eller avancerad klimatstyrning
(2015-10-05)Since the 1960´s chemicals have been used for controlling the growth of house and bedding plants. Chemical growth controllers allow plants to be grown tightly together and makes them easily transportable. The substances ... -
Hantering av levermossa i containerodling - svenska [perenn]odlares erfarenheter
(2015-10-05)Liverwort in container cultivation is a common problem for many nurseries around the country. The problem is associated with perennial nurseries. The environment of container cultivation is nutritious and moist and is ... -
Värden i hembygden. En etnokartering i Kyrkefalla socken
(2015-10-05)This essay describes the process of an ethnocartograpy of the countryside at the villages Graven, Backen and Kårtorp in Kyrkefalla parish, Tibro kommun, Sweden. Ethnocartography is a method that is transmitting information ... -
Bladmögel i ekologisk potatisodling. Alternativa metoder för reglering av potatisbladmögel
(2015-10-05)One of the most cultivated crops in the world is potatoes. But since the middle of the 19th century there has been major problem caused of late blight. This problem is found both in conventional and organic cultivations. The ... -
Dokumentering av stenmurar : framtagandet av en inventeringsmall
(2015-09-21)This essay focuses on how a method of documenting dry stone walls in the landscape can be created. This paper seeks to answer which different principles one can take in to account when documenting dry stonewalls in the ... -
Mangårdsbyggnadens träd - berättelser om träd i människans närhet
(2015-09-21)The purpose of this study is to examine people’s conceptions regarding trees from the mid 19th century up until today. The study primarily focuses on trees placed in front of manor houses. These trees, a part of the ... -
Fastigheten Majorna 305:22 Om hantering av riksintressant kulturmiljö
(2015-09-09)Sweden has a system for bringing national interests into municipal planning. Cultural heritage is one of these interests, and the purpose of respecting this particular interest is to guide further development of a community ... -
Moderniseringen av Uddevalla Centrum 1939-1979
(2015-09-01)Uddevalla is a city in Bohuslän, Sweden which, like many other Swedish cities, underwent extensive demolitions throughout the 1950s and right up until the 1970s. However, there is however no documentation of how this ... -
Svend Bögh-Andersen Stadsarkitekt i Laholm 1951-1974
(2015-08-31)Svend Bögh-Andersen was a Danish architect who held the position as city architect in the town Laholm in Halland, south Sweden. Along with many other Danish architects he relocated to Sweden due to a lack of available ... -
Reversible Modification Of Flexural Rigidity On Dry Archaeological Leather From Wet Anaerobic Burial Sites: An Herbal Method Irma
(2015-06-30)This work is based on a treatment reported in the article “Über der Weichen trockengefallener Alkohol und Formalinpräparate, Herbarblätter und von Tapagewebe” in Der Präparator from 2001 by Klaus Weichsler and co-authors. ...