Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 536
Att lyfta en klockstapel. En studie av en hantverkares arbetsmetoder
(2019-06-05)This thesis investigates the procedures surrounding lifting and what kind of lifting equipment is used by an experienced carpenter when lifting campaniles. A qualitative interview was performed with campanile specialist ... -
Lunettfönstren i Gunnebo slott – en undersökning av hantverkarens metoder
(2019-05-29)The half-round lunette window is a common architectural detail in Swedish houses and older buildings since the middle of the 18th century. Knowledge about how older frames was methodically constructed, is today difficult ... -
Träförbindningar – En undersökning av medier för hantverksintroduktion
(2019-05-27)As a craftperson you will become exposed to a wide range of plans explaining how to perform the act of making wooden joints, the educational level of these plans differs widely. In some cases, you will have descriptive ... -
Åldriga hamlade lindar. En utvärdering 30 år efter restaureringsinsats
(2019-05-27)This study aims to investigate and describe the condition of lapsed pollarded lime trees 30 years after restoration and to evaluate the long term impact of the restoration method on the trees and their associated habitats. ... -
Lättruta, lösruta, vädringsruta. En undersökning av hur de konstruerades
(2019-05-22)This thesis is about an openable window pane in a larger window sash. The small window pane makes it possible to ventilate the room in wintertime. In older buildings in Sweden, it is common to have external sashes and ... -
Svedjebruksmetoden Huuhta - skogsfinnarnas försvinnande hantverkstradition
(2019-05-22)The following essay is an investigation of Huuhta, the swidden cultivation craft process, a disappearing tradition and an intangible cultural heritage. Huutha came to the north-western part of Värmland, Sweden in the ... -
Spårning - en medeltida klyvteknik
(2019-05-08)The craftsmanship of the medieval cleaving with spårning is a forgotten technique that has been re-discovered during the science project of reconstructing the old church of Södra Råda. With minimal to none existing sources ... -
Perenna växters färger. En studie om färgupplevelse baserad på litteratur och fotografisk dokumentation
(2019-04-29)The importance of colour and shape in plant composition interests me, but I have a feeling that plant colour, in particular, is often neglected in garden design. Shape and site properties are prioritised. In my opinion the ... -
Från mästare till konsulent. Länsträdgårdsmästarnas 40-åriga historia i Skaraborgs län
(2019-04-26)As a reaction to the growing interest within agriculture in Sweden in the middle of the 18th century an organization called Hushållningssällskapet was founded in each county. When the population grew their land and gardens ... -
Beskärning och värdering av gamla äppelträd
(2019-04-26)The thesis, Pruning of old Appletrees, is based on an observation and interview study in combination with a literature study. The issues are: How to prune old apple trees to achieve the goal of getting an easy-to-maintain ... -
Länsträdgårdsmästarnas inflytande på fruktodlingen i Södermanlands län 1891 – 1931
(2019-04-26)The essay is about the housekeeping society's county gardeners and how they have influenced the fruit growing in Södermanland County between 1891 - 1931. Through an archive study in Södermanland's housekeeping society ... -
Petissans gård på Skansen. En fallstudie av en historisk trädgård som flyttats till ett friluftsmuseum
(2019-04-26)This thesis is a case study of a garden that has been moved from its original place to an open-air museum. It investigates the different factors and problems that can evolve when working with a garden in a new location. ... -
Länsträdgårdsmästarnas verksamhet - med en fallstudie i Södermanlands län för perioden 1880-1910
(2019-04-26)In the 1860s, the Agricultural Society in Sweden began to hire so-called county gardeners. Research and literature on the subject of "county gardeners" providing an overall picture of their work are today very limited. ... -
Sommarblommornas intåg. En studie av gravplanteringar inom Svenska kyrkan 1940 - 2019
(2019-04-25)This survey investigates grave plantations within The Church of Sweden from 1940 until 2019, with a particular focus on summer flowers. Within The Church of Sweden, there is often a selection of plants that are planted ... -
De bortglömda trädgårdarna. Järnvägsplanteringar längs Karlsborgsbanan under 100 år
(2019-04-15)This study focuses on the gardens and plantations developed by the railway organization for gardening, an organization that formed and designed parks and plantations on and around the railway environments in Sweden between ... -
Luktpioner som såldes i Dalarna. En sortimentsanalys av luktpioner i Vassbo trädskola 1895 − 1972
(2019-04-15)In this essay an assortment analysis of old price lists, from a nursery garden in Vassbo, has been made to present a compilation of which cultivars of garden peonies (Paeonia lactiflora) that were available to buy in Dalarna ... -
Effekten av plantarrangemang på skörd av gul lök (Allium cepa)
(2019-04-15)The farmer Jean-Martin Fortier’s biointensive growing system is according to himself a growing system that is going to give equivalent to, or even more yield then the Swedish standard recommendation. When it comes to onions, ... -
Framtidens urbana planteringar. En undersökning av östra Europas stäpp som förebild för planteringar i hårdgjorda urbana miljöer
(2019-04-12)With the steady rise of urban population and the effects of climate change the demands on urban vegetation are increasing. The urban vegetation needs to deliver important eco-system services such as stormwater management ... -
Metoder för att utforma fackfyllnadens möte med stolpen i ett halvnaket skelettverk
(2019-04-01)This thesis investigates eight different industrially processed building products and how they can be used on a traditional half-timbred work and still leave the timbers exposed both internally and externally. The focus ... -
Trägärdesgårdar i Skaraborg. Den levande trägärdesgården sedd genom historiska fotografier
(2019-04-01)The historical wood fence has served to separate growing crops from grazing animals as well as to mark the boundaries between villages and farms. The fences were continuously subject to repairs, which in course of time ...