Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 536
Vakuumförpackning av arkeologiskt järn Uppföljning av ett SESAM-projekt på Stockholms stadsmuseum
(2014-10-02)This thesis aims to evaluate experimental vacuum-packed archaeological iron samples stored in the warehouse of the city museum of Stockholm since 1996. This goal is approached through a literature study and a systematic ... -
Upplevelsebaserat lärande på landsbygden - En hållbar besöksnäring med fokus på slöjd och hantverk
(2014-10-01)Handicrafts such as woodwork and weaving have for years been an additional source of income for rural entre-preneurs. By broadening their businesses and having more than one string to their bow, rural entrepreneurs have ... -
Föreställningar om effektivitet och tradition inom nytimring
(2014-09-29)Sweden currently has a handcrafted log house production that claims to produce houses as in the eighteenth century, even though the main tool in use is the chain saw. The use of the axe is only marginal, but at the same ... -
Konservering av förgyllning- syntetiska polymerer som alternativ
(2014-09-26)During the last decades synthetic polymers has been introduced as an alternative to traditional materials in conservation of gilding surfaces. The aim of this study is to investigate where and when it is appropriate to use ... -
Riksintressets roll En studie av ombyggnaden av rådhuskvarteret inom riksintresset ”Centrala Kristianstad”
(2014-09-22)The city of Kristianstad was built in the 17th century as a strong military centre. It has over the centuries evolved to a place of industry and now a city of modern commerce. The city centre of the town is appointed the ... -
Kulturhistoriskt värdefulla textiler i bruk och på museer En jämförande studie av konserveringsåtgärder vid tre textilkonserveringsateljéer i Sverige
(2014-09-16)This thesis aims to investigate wether or not there is a difference between how textiles with a high cultural significance are treated differently if the object is in an environment where it is ment to be used or if it the ... -
Odling av färgväxter. En kulturhistorisk undersökning ur ett hortikulturellt perspektiv
(2014-09-15)This work describes dye plants and their cultivation through the history until present day. Some species has traditionally been cultivated through centuries to extract dyestuff for dyeing textile fibers. Natural dyes are ... -
Minimera färgbortfall vid vattentvätt inom textilkonservering Med användning av cyklododekan, tvålagersmetoden eller ultrarent vatten
(2014-09-10)A frequent problem within the textile conservation field is the need to wash artefacts which are not made for washing. This thesis identifies the problems often encountered during wet cleaning in regard to dyes and colours ... -
Industriarv som bevarandeobjekt En undersökning av 18 byggnadsminnen i Västra Götalands län
(2014-09-09)The subject of this thesis is listed building protected buildings in Västra Götaland County, in the category Industry in the National Heritage Board building registry, bebyggelseregistret in Swedish. The aim of the thesis ... -
Slöjd och hälsa -Vad görs på statlig nivå och varför?
(2014-09-02)Based on research showing that craft can be a tool to achieve improved health and wellbeing, this essay investigates whether the area craft and health is present in the Swedish national exercise of authority. Main object ... -
The fading of IRIS prints A Study in Fading IRIS Prints, reaction and solution.
(2014-09-02)During early 1990’s the inkjet IRIS printing technique was one of the first digital printing techniques used by artists for fine art printing. The technique was initially developed in the mid 1980’s, to do pre proof printing. ... -
En kulturhistorisk undersökning av minneslunden på Stola herrgård – förslag till en underhållsplan
(2014-08-31)The purpose with this essay has been to develop a simple and effective maintenance plan for the memorial site and the English park at Stola mansion, which is based by cultural historical and biological values that is ... -
Vinterstruktur i perennplanteringar. Designlaborationer utifrån ett vinterperspektiv.
(2014-08-31)Perennial plantings often loose their aesthetic value during the winter if there hasn’t been enough though laid on the perennials structural appearance in winter. A perennial planting designed without the knowledge of the ... -
Hindens rev i tid och rum - att använda sig av museala samlingar i landskapsvård
(2014-08-20)This thesis is created with the conscious aim of answering to whether it’s possible to utilize museum collections in landscape conservation. After the passing of the biologist Bengt M. P. Larsson a substantial quantity of ... -
Cleaning of Watercolour Drawings A study of the use of Gellan gum gel on water sensitive media
(2014-07-08)Gellan gum is a non-toxic and biodegradable polysaccharide widely used in pharmaceutical and food industries. 2003 the use of a rigid gel of Gellan gum was introduced in paper conservation for cleaning of works of art ... -
Ålamörker En studie av ålfiskelägen vid Kalmarsund
(2014-07-02)This graduate thesis concerns the built environment created by the lucrative eel fishing in Kalmarsund, by the Swedish east coast. The main topic of this thesis is to seek an understanding between the natural environment ... -
Kyrkobyggnader till salu En studie av försäljningsprocessen
(2014-07-02)Since the year 2000, 55 churches belonging to the Church of Sweden, have been sold. Considering the fact that the Church of Sweden has more than 3400 churches to administer, the amount seems small. But the economy of the ... -
Sverige – Ryssland: Modernismens arkitektur i tid och rum
(2014-07-02)This work deals with style comparison between Swedish and Russian pre-war modernism in architecture, as well as architectural examples and problems of modernist heritage treatment in both countries. Method of study is ... -
Kulturmiljö och -arv i regionala strategiska handlingar – Kulturmiljövården i en samhällelig kontext
(2014-07-02)The following essay aims to examine how cultural heritage is used in regional strategic documents and to put that result in a societal context, both concerning past and present paradigms in the cultural heritage sector. Firstly, ... -
Polyuretansvamp i kontakt med papper - en jämförande studie inom konservering
(2014-07-02)Dry surface cleaning methods are essential tools in paper conservation-restoration. Polyurethane sponges, also known as cosmetic sponges, are fairly new tools to the conservation field but are used by several conservation ...