Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 536
Lokalt glättade ytor på matt oljemåleri - tre metoder som kan regenerera ytstrukturen
(2014-07-02)The thesis aims to investigate the suitability of three methods for regenerating a porous, matte surface structure in glossy abraded areas, these being scalpel, acetone and 3T (a combination of triethanolamine, Triton ... -
Fernissa på papper - en komparativ studie mellan PVOH-borax och lösningsmedelsbad vid lackborttagning på papper
(2014-07-02)The main purpose of this study is to investigate the usage of high viscosity polymeric hydrogels in varnish removal on paper objects, for conservation purposes. Varnishing paper artefacts was a common practice between the ... -
Kunskapsöverföring inom slöjd och hantverk En analys av olika inlärningssituationer
(2014-07-02)This study is designed to investigate whether there is any difference between learning from film or from person to person. The purpose of this study is to analyze how students experience different learning situations and ... -
Den genusbärande slöjden - En väv av socialt, ekonomiskt och kulturellt kapital
(2014-07-02)This study examines how various crafts are linked to the performer's gender and discusses the various factors that lead to the prevailing gender division between hard and soft crafts. Woodworking and metal crafts are ... -
Dialogen mellan hantverkare och material -en undersökning av skaparprocessen
(2014-07-02)When talking about craft, the perspective of creating and making is often ignored. This essay tries to find out the subjective factors that forms a woodworking process. The primary situation is the dialogue between the ... -
Slöjdnäring i nätverkan En intervjubaserad studie av olika aktörers perspektiv på näringens utveckling
(2014-07-02)This paper deals with various actors' perspectives on the business development in Swedish handicraft business. The survey takes the view of the active, professional craftsperson, in examining the development direction of ... -
Historiskt korrekt En netnografisk studie av begreppet HK med historisk slöjd som kontext
(2014-07-02)In this study I am focusing on how the Swedish term of Historiskt Korrekt (Historically accurate) is used in a specific context: the facebook-group Vi som syr medeltidskläder (We sew medieval clothing). Historiskt Korrekt ... -
Slöjdens utsträckta hand - i sociala verksamheter
(2014-07-02)Although, craft activities are routinely used in different care-institutions based on the knowledge of craft being good for your health, the crafting society has difficulties using that as an argument. It is said to be ... -
DEN SMÅSKALIGA TEXTILA ÅTERBRUKSMARKNADEN En undersökning av hantverkskunskaper, attityder och föremåls cirkulering
(2014-07-02)The aim of this study is to identify the types of operators that exist within the local textile reuse market. The small scale textile reuse market in Gothenburg has been the focus. The activities that exist within this ... -
(2014-07-02)To beautify and create patterned surfaces in textiles is a deeply human urge since ancient times. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to enlight resist dyeing, such as batik and shibori, in the sphere of the National ... -
Ungdomar i föreningslivet ur ett Hemslöjdsperspektiv
(2014-07-02)The reason of this thesis is my own involvement in the Swedish craft organisation - Hemslöjd and my desire to strengthen the organisation’s youth activities. Hemslöjden has since 2005 worked actively with children but very ... -
Kulturhistorisk värdering av rekordårens bebyggelse
(2014-07-02)The aim of this thesis is to explore the field of cultural value assessment linked to the built environment of the late modernist era, the Swedish “record years” 1961–1975. In these years a large part of Sweden’s existing ... -
Kvalitetssäkring av kulturmiljö i offentlig upphandling – En fallstudie av Mölndals Stad
(2014-07-02)The aim of this study is to show how quality assurance of cultural heritage is made in public procurement. This has been done with an initial review of the current legislation, law on public procurement, which then is ... -
Arbetarkaféer i Göteborg
(2014-07-02)The following essay has studied worker cafées in Gothenburg. This has resulted in a mapping of all worker cafées in Gothenburg, past and present, mentioned as such in the source material and as found by the authors own ... -
Tappade maskor En metodutveckling för retuschering och komplettering av stickade material
(2014-07-02)The aim of this bachelor thesis is to develop methods appropriate for retouching of knitted materials. The methods are developed with ethical and aestetic criterias in mind using user-friendly methods such as knitting, ... -
Stadsparken i Mariestad – Modern tolkning av sekelskiftets fontänplanteringar
(2014-06-23)This final essay is a modern interpretation of the fountain plantings during the end of the 1900th century in the public park of Mariestad. Mariestads public park was built during the 1860s and at that time it had traits ... -
Planteringar på Marieholm med 1800-tals växtmaterial och tillhörande skötselplan
(2014-06-23)With help of literary studies, cultural and historical plant material and historical photographs from the 1800s, as well as color and location analyzes of today’s Marieholm, the aim has been to create a design with five ... -
Användning av arbetshäst - hästen som redskap vid vård av kulturreservat
(2014-01-20)In this survey the studied object is the work horse as a tool when trying to reach the goals of maintenance, stated in an individual plan, of cultural reserves in Sweden. This with special focus on the aspects of economics, ... -
Lidans ravinsystem. Historisk markanvändning och framtida skötsel
(2014-01-08)This essey is about how the natural pastures of Lidan ravine system to preserve its character and biodiversity. Natural pasture about the future has recent decades become a political issue, both nationally and internationally, ... -
Sandstränder vid Vänern – en hotad strandtyp?
(2014-01-08)The essay is based on the well-documented overgrowth along the shoreline of Lake Vanern. Previous researches show that overgrowing beaches has been going on for a long time and that it has accelerated in recent years. Those ...