Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1161-1180 av 1728
Genre och genus. Att närma sig texter om kvinnor i den äldsta arabisk-muslimska litteraturen
(Institutionen för språk och litteratur, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09-17) -
(Institutionen för språk och litteratur, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09-15) -
Mansbilden i japansk ungdomslitteratur
(Institutionen för språk och litteratur, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09-15) -
Att läsa språkliga landskap. Några teoretiska utgångspunkter och kritiska kommentarer
(Institutionen för språk och litteratur, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09-15) -
(Mis)reading Proust: Style, Rhetoric, Allegory Zlatan Filipovic
(Institutionen för språk och litteratur, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09-15) -
The Political Psyche in British Modernism
(Institutionen för språk och litteratur, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09-15) -
Försättsblad, Innehållsförteckning, Förord
(Institutionen för språk och litteratur, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-09-14) -
En relasjonell musikkestetikk – barn på orkesterselskapenes konserter. A relational aesthetic of music – children at professional orchestras' concerts
(2011-08-22)Over the past twenty years, there has been a huge growth in the education and community work ("outreach") undertaken by the West-European professional orchestras. It represents a new practise that within the orchestras may ... -
Young Urban Swedish Variation and change in multilingual settings.
(Department of Swedish Language, University of Gothenburg, 2011)This book contains twelve chapters on the structure and use of Swedish multiethnic youth language, as well as articles on multilingualism in Swedish schools and society at large. -
Erfolgreiches Deutschlernen durch CLIL? Zu Lexikon und Kommunikationsstrategien in mündlicher L3 schwedischer Schüler mit bilingualem Profil
(2011-08-19)This thesis investigates the spoken L3 German of Swedish CLIL learners in lower secondary school (grades 8-9) in comparison to Swedish non-CLIL controls and German native speakers; its main objective is to investigate ... -
Nådens ordning. En studie av västsvensk pietism 1730 – 1760
(2011-08-17)The topic of this dissertation is the wave of pietist revivals, or awakenings, that swept across western Sweden during the first half of the eighteenth century. Originating in Saxony, in the previous century, the pietist ... -
From Curiosa to World Culture. The History of the Latin American Collections at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden
(2011-08-17)This thesis discusses the history of the Latin American collections stored today at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden, emphasizing the relationship between the political ideological context of society and the signifi ... -
Characteristics of Finnish and Swedish intensive care nursing narratives: a comparative analysis to support the development of clinical language technologies
(2011-07-14)Abstract Background Free text is helpful for entering information into electronic health records, but reusing it is a challenge. The need for language technology for processing Finnish and Swedish healthcare text is therefore ... -
MedEval — A Swedish medical test collection with Doctors and Patients user groups
(2011-07-14)Abstract Background Test collections for information retrieval are scarce. Domain specific test collections even more so, and medical test collections in the Swedish language non-existent prior to the making of the MedEval ... -
Actitudes hacia la variedad caló. Un estudio sociolingüístico de adolescentes andaluces
(2011-05-23)Caló is a language/variety spoken by the Spanish Calé (i.e. the Roma). The variety belongs to a group of languages referred to as “Para-Romani”, characterized by Romani vocabulary, but largely non-Romani morphology, phonology ... -
Concept Formation in Mathematics
(2011-05-19)This thesis consists of three overlapping parts, where the first one centers around the possibility of defining a measure of the power of arithmetical theories. In this part a partial measure of the power of arithmetical ... -
Bo Widerbergs tv-teater / Bo Widerbergs's TV-Theatre
(2011-05-17)The dissertation analyzes the seven studio produced TV-plays made (1979-1992) by the renown Swedish filmmaker Bo Widerberg. The main focus regards Widerberg’s work method, here referred to as ”The Widerberg method”, which ... -
Metamathematical fixed points
(2011-05)This thesis concerns the concept of metamathematical fixed points. After an introduction, we survey the field of metamathematics, from la fin du siècle to present. We are especially interested in the notion of fixed ... -
Att sluta från början. Tidigmodern läsning och folkbokens receptionsestetik
(2011-05-09)The thesis poses the question, why were Volksbücher read and loved by some people in the early modern period and at the same time criticized by others. By doing so three important goals are aimed at : 1 ) to arrive at a ... -
Fria flickor före Pippi: Ester Blenda Nordström och Karin Michaëlis – Astrid Lindgrens föregångare.
(2011-05-09)Abstract University of Gothenburg Eva Wahlström Free Girls Before Pippi. Ester Blenda Nordström and Karin Michaëlis: Astrid Lindgren’s predecessors Ph.D. dissertation in Swedish with a summary in English, p. 304. Department ...