Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1261-1280 av 1728
Käppen i hjulen. Behärskning av svenska konventionaliserade uttryck bland gymnasieelever med varierande språklig bakgrund.
(Institutet för svenska som andraspråk, 2010)Denna studie fokuserar behärskning av svenska konventionaliserade uttryck bland ungdomar med varierade språklig bakgrund. Materialet har samlats in med hjälp av en enkät som innehåller fyra test med fokus på olika ... -
Multimodal Corpora
(Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2008) -
Geschlechtsübergreifende Personenbezeichnungen. Eine Referenz- und Relevanzanalyse an Texten
(2010-08-23)This thesis deals with patterns of variation in the usage of gender-inclusive personal nouns in contemporary German texts. The aim is to examine the existence and shape of such patterns on the basis of textual analyses. ... -
På rak sak. Om ordförbindelser och konventionaliserade uttryck bland unga språkbrukare i flerspråkiga miljöer.
(2010-08-19)The overall aim of the thesis is to investigate and describe the use and mastery of different types of phraseological units and conventionalized expressions in the language of adolescents in multilingual environments. ... -
I systrars och doktorers sällskap. Kommunikativa funktioner hos titlar på läkar- eller sjuksköterskeromaner på engelska och svenska
(Institutionen för svenska språket, 2010-06)Denna undersökning ägnas frågan hur kommunikativa funktioner hos titlar på läkar- eller sjuksköterskeromaner uttrycks. Materialet består av 288 titlar på romaner utgivna i den svenska Vita serien under 1970-, 1980- och ... -
Multimodal Intercultural Information and Communication Technology - A Framework for Designing and Evaluating Multimodal Intercultural Communicators
(Springer, 2009)The paper presents a framework, combined with a checklist for designing and evaluating multimodal, intercultural ICT, especially when embodied artificial communicators are used as front ends for data bases, as digital ... -
Prayer in Peasant Communities: Ideals and Practices of Prayer in the Late Medieval Ecclesiastical Province of Uppsala, Sweden
(2010-06-24)The aim of this study has been to identify, explain and delineate praying among peasant communities in the ecclesiastical province of Uppsala, Sweden. Four aspects have been examined through the perspectives of ideals and ... -
Världen är en främmande plats : essäer om religionens återkomst
(Örebro: Cordia, 2003) -
Reading the Dream Text: A Nexus between Dreams and Texts in the Rabbinic Literature of Late Antiquity
(2010-05-26)This study deals with conceptions and practices related to dreams in early rabbinic Judaism. One aspect of the Jewish dream culture in particular is considered, viz. the tendency evinced in the rabbinic literature of Late ... -
Konsten att sätta texter i verket. Gertrude Stein, Arne Sand och litteraturens (o)befintliga specificitet
(2010-05-21)The dissertation has a tripartite subject: Gertrude Stein’s novel A Novel of Thank You (1926), Arne Sand’s Väderkvarnarna (1962), and the specificity of literature before an expanded field of general art production. By ... -
Temperatur i språk och tanke. En jämförande semantisk studie av svenska temperaturadjektiv
(2010-05-20)In this thesis, seven temperature adjectives in Swedish are analysed: varm ’warm’, kall ’cold’, het ’hot’, ljum/ljummen ’lukewarm’ or ’tepid’, kylig ’chilly’, sval ’cool’ and mild ’mild’. A model for analysis, inspired by ... -
In search of Dionysos. Reassessing a Dionysian context in early Rome
(2010-05-18)In the present study the possibility of an early appearance of the god Dionysos and his sphere in archaic Rome, in the decades around 500 BC, will be examined. In early scholarship, rooted in the 19th century, the phenomenon ... -
Jeremiah: A Translation and Commentary on Jeremiah in Codex Vaticamus
(2010-05-17)This study investigates the Greek text of Jeremiah as found in the famous Vatican manuscript Codex Vaticanus 1209. It is the first major commentary to focus on the text of LXX Jeremiah in any modern language. Rather than ... -
In Search of Legitimacy: Class, Gender and Moral Discipline in Early Swedish Working-Class literature c. 1910
(Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2007)This paper deals with certain tensions in early Swedish working-class literature of the first generation, c. 1910. These texts were a Gebrauchsliteratur— a literature for use in the class struggle of the time—but the use ... -
Tro mig på min ort - oöversättligheten som tematiskt komplex i Bengt Emil Johnsons poesi 1973 – 1982
(2010-05-11)This doctoral thesis departs from the idea that the poetry of Bengt Emil Johnson (b. 1936) could very well be described as part of a long lyrical tradition, rather than as a reaction against this very tradition, which is ... -
The Growth of Phrases. User-centred Design for Activity-based Voice Output Communication Aids
(2010-05-11)An activity-based vocabulary for Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs) was designed and evaluated through a user-centred, iterative design process, using expressions from the Gothenburg Spoken Language Corpus as well as ... -
Med lust och bävan. Vägen till biskopsstolen inom Svenska kyrkan under 1900-talet.
(2010-05-10)This study focuses on the appointment of bishops within the Church of Sweden and analyses the patterns of this group during a period of social change which affected the station and function of the Church of Sweden in ... -
Crucifixion in Antiquity: An Inquiry into the Background of the New Testament Terminology of Crucifixion
(2010-05-07)This study investigates the philological aspects of how ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew/Aramaic texts, including the New Testament, depict the practice of punishment by crucifixion. A survey of the ancient text material ... -
Ett rum för sig. Subjektsframställning vid 1900-talets slut: Ninni Holmqvist, Hanne Ørstavik, Jon Fosse, Magnus Dahlström och Kirsten Hammann
(2010-05-07)The establishment of the subject and various aspects of identity that occupied the literature and theories of the late twentieth century are examined in this doctoral thesis. Focus is on five Scandinavian novels from the ...