Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 1728
La expresión de cambio en español como lengua extranjera. Desarrollo y variación en la interlengua de aprendices suecohablantes
(2019-09-13)Title: The Expression of Change-of-State in Spanish as a Foreign Language: Development and Variation in the Interlanguage of Swedish-Speaking Learners. This dissertation examines the learning process of the expression ... -
Minds, Brains and Desert: On the relevance of neuroscience for retributive punishment
(2019-08-30)It is a common idea, and an element in many legal systems, that people can deserve punishment when they commit criminal (or immoral) actions. A standard philosophical objection to this retributivist idea about punishment ... -
Splitting rocks: Learning word sense representations from corpora and lexica
(2019-08-23)The representation of written language semantics is a central problem of language technology and a crucial component of many natural language processing applications, from part-of-speech tagging to text summarization. These ... -
Den nödvändiga manligheten: Om maskulinitet som soteriologisk signifikant i den svenska debatten om prästämbete och kön
(2019-08-22)This thesis examines the theological reasons why male gender is perceived as a necessary qualification for the office of priesthood in the Church of Sweden. The issues that are investigated examine the masculine ideal, ... -
Pagan Pasts, Christian Futures: Memory Manipulation and Christianisation in the Cities of Western Asia Minor
(2019-08-15)Religion has always impacted how we structure the physical world around us, and the Roman world was no exception. Roman cities were constructed and shaped around religious life and religious practices. Religious art was ... -
Kvinnorna i Svenskt översättarlexikon. En ögonblicksbild utifrån översättningsvetenskapliga och metalexikografiska utgångspunkter
(2019-06-20)I den här rapporten redovisas en empirisk undersökning om de kvinnliga översättare som behandlas i den version av Svenskt översättarlexikon (SÖL) som var tillgänglig det första kvartalet 2017. Undersökningen bygger på ... -
Assessing the quality of Språkbanken’s annotations
(2019-06-10)Most of the corpora in Språkbanken Text consist of unannotated plain text, such as almost all newspaper texts, social media texts, novels and official documents. We also have some corpora that are manually annotated in ... -
Könets krona. Representationer av svenska drottningar från stormaktsenvälde till medborgarsamhälle
(2019-06-05)Representations of the monarchy have been the subject of many previous studies. These studies have almost exclusively focused on kings, based on the fact that kings wielded formal political power and have thus been perceived ... -
Gloria muliebris: Elite female status competition in Mid-Republican Rome
(2019-06-03)Elite status competition permeated mid-Republican Rome (264–133 BCE). Struggles for superiority in status among the senatorial elite catalysed social growth and conflict in the res publica: competition and the desire for ... -
Audiovisual Constructions: Material Interrelations in Live Rock Performances
(2019-05-24)This dissertation examines and analyzes the material interrelations in audiovisual constructions of live rock performances. It explores the interrelations that take place among four key modes of a live rock performance’s ... -
Flerspråkiga elevers läsförståelse på svenska. Om lässtrategier och läsutveckling på mellanstadiet
(2019-05-21)The overall aim of this thesis is to highlight the significance of reading strategies in developing multilingual middle-school students’ Swedish reading comprehension. Reading strategies are considered from teaching, reading ... -
Härskare i liv och död. Social exklusivitet och maktstrategi i Vänerbygd under yngre järnålder
(2019-05-03)Between 2000 and 2012, archaeological investigations were conducted in Sunnerby at Kållandsö. A large mound from the Vendel period, an elite settlement from the late Iron Age/Medieval Times, as well as the remains of a ... -
The Triumph of the Swedish Nineteenth-Century Novel in Central and Eastern Europe
(LIR.skrifter, 2019-04-01)The reception of Swedish nineteenth-century novels by women writers is a success story. Two Swedish top-selling novelists in Central and Eastern Europe were Emilie Flygare-Carlén (1807–1892) and Marie Sophie Schwartz ... -
”See there I’m stuck now!” Samtalsdeltagares orientering mot att tala svenska i amerikasvenska dialektintervjuer
(2019-04-10)This thesis is a qualitative investigation of a communicative project called tala svenska (speak swedish) in American Swedish dialect interviews. The aim of the study is to analyze and describe the communicative project. ... -
I avantgardets skugga. Brytpunkter och kontinuitet i svensk teater kring 1900
(2019-03-01)Går det att sätta ljus på avantgardets skugga? Vad är det som kommer bestå i scenkonsthistorien och vilka processer är det som gör att majoriteten av scenkonsthändelserna och de uttryck som de representerar sorteras ... -
The 'essentially' feminine - a mapping through artistic practice of the feminine territory offered by Early Modern Music.
(Art Monitor, 2018-12-11)The ‘essentially’ feminine — a mapping through artistic practice of the feminine territory offered by Early Modern Music, is the somewhat complicated title of this book. But the content is not hard to understand a year ... -
Kärleken har 100 onda namn
(Karlsson Katarina A, 2017-10-09) -
Performing Perfectly: Presentations of Childhood in Knutby Filadelfia Before and After the Breakup of the Congregation
(2019-02-28)The Knutby Filadelfia Congregation, founded in 1921, started out as a Pentecostal congrega- tion. It has, however, been considered a deviant and semi-isolated new religious movement ever since it became known to the public ...