Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-280 of 1728
A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with level-matched Japanese schoolchildren.
(2016-02-26)ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 18 March, 2016 Title: A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with ... -
Lov og tekst i middelalderen. Produksjon og resepsjon av Magnus Lagabøtes landslov
(2016-02-19)This thesis investigates fifteen out of a total of thirtynine extant manuscripts containing The Norwegian Code of the Realm (1274), henceforth the Code. They are all dated before 1400. The fifteen manuscripts display ... -
Berättelser om Breivik. Affektiva läsningar om våld och terrorism.
(2016-02-16)In this thesis, I take a closer look at three books that have received a lot of attention, as well as a handful of popular science and newspaper articles, about Anders Behring Breivik and the terrorist attack in Norway on ... -
Revolución o reforma - Análisis retórico de los discursos de Francisco Largo Caballero e Indalecio Prieto Tuero en los meses previos a la Guerra Civil
(2016-02-10)ABSTRACT Title in Spanish: Revolución o reforma. Análisis retórico de los discursos de Francisco Largo Caballero e Indalecio Prieto Tuero en los meses previos a la Guerra Civil. Title in English: Revolution or reform. A ... -
From sounds to speech and gestures Case studies of linguistic interaction in children with ASC
(2016-02-05)This thesis investigates the interrelationship between segmental phonology, prosody and gesture, as well as important factors for language development in individuals with autism spectrum condition (ASC), i.e. precursors. ... -
Kristendommens Morgenstjerne: Konvergerende teologiske træk med baggrund i østlig tradition hos John Wesley og NFS Grundtvig
(2015-12-21)This thesis deal with the common trait we find in the central parts of the theology of John Wesley and NFS Grundtvig, when we look at them in the perspective of some of the Eastern Greek church fathers and their theology. ... -
Tjärby – Lokala sedvänjor och långväga kontakter. Förromerskt grav- och byggnadsskick ur ett halländskt perspektiv
(2015-12-18)The main purpose of the thesis is to present, penetrate and analyse occurrences at two sites dated to Pre-Roman Iron Age. These events are regarded in the comparative light of their contemporary local, regional and ... -
Deutsch-schwedisches Codeswitching an der internationalen Universität
(2015-12-18)The study contributes to the growing field of multilingualism in university contexts. The subject is the bilingual language use of scholars working at German institutes at universities in Sweden. The study illuminates both ... -
Den trogne arbetaren i vingården
(I, 2015-05-05) -
Religious Education in Contemporary Pluralistic Sweden
(2015-11-19)In the mandatory, integrative and non-confessional school subject of Religious Education in Sweden, all students are taught together regardless of religious or secular affiliation. The overall aim of this thesis is to ... -
Religious Education in Contemporary Pluralistic Sweden
(2015-11-19)In the mandatory, integrative and non-confessional school subject of Religious Education in Sweden, all students are taught together regardless of religious or secular affiliation. The overall aim of this thesis is to ... -
Word Meaning Negotiation in Online Discussion Forum Communication
(2015-11-18)We all know that lexicons contain definitions of the meanings of words, but when we communicate with other people, these are not the kinds of meaning we use in interaction. In conversation, we coordinate with each other ... -
Steg för steg. Naturvetenskapligt ämnesspråk som räknas
(2015-11-13)In this work, I present a linguistic investigation of the language of Swedish textbooks in the natural sciences, i.e., biology, physics and chemistry. The textbooks, which are used in secondary and upper secondary school, ... -
Studies in computational historical linguistics: Models and analyses
(2015-10-22)Computational analysis of historical and typological data has made great progress in the last fifteen years. In this thesis, I work with vocabulary lists for addressing some classical problems in historical linguistics ... -
Litteraturstudiets legitimeringar. Analys av skrift och bild i fem läromedel i litteratur för gymnasieskolan
(2015-10-08)The purpose of the thesis is to identify the dominant legitimations of literature study in five literature textbooks for the upper secondary school in Sweden and how these legitimations are realized textually and visually. ... -
"Soy cocinera y camarero". La variación en el nombramiento de las mujeres profesionales en España
(2015-10-08)The overall aim of this dissertation is to generate a theory explaining the variation in the way the Spaniards, particularly the Spanish women, designate female professionals. Three different studies are included, the first ... -
Towards Dialogue Strategies for Cognitive Workload Management
(2015-09-24)Although it has been shown that drivers are less distracted when using speech interfaces compared to traditional interfaces, using voice control instead of manual controls does not completely solve the problem with distracted ... -
Progressive constructions in Swedish
(2015-09-18)This thesis aims to provide new insights into the semantic properties of some progressive constructions in Swedish and to provide better understanding of aspect in Swedish. The five included studies present analyses of ... -
Sverige och Nordlanden. Förvaltning och nordlig expansion 1250-1550
(2015-09-04)ABSTRACT Tegengren, Gunilla, 2015: Sverige och Nordlanden. Förvaltning och nordlig expansion, 1250-1550. (Sweden and the Northern Provinces. Central and provincial governance, administration and territorial expansion ...