Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 1728
Vid Skene ting 1786-1809. Referat och register till domboksnotiser om fyra socknar i Mark
(Lennart Palm, 2016) -
Kultur och hälsa i praktiken
(Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2016-10-10)Intresset för området kultur och hälsa är stort. Åtskilliga verksamheter i kommuner och landsting arbetar aktivt med kultur och hälsa. Därför blir det allt viktigare att ta tillvara på den kunskap som skapas inom dessa ... -
Humanister i fält. Metoder och möjligheter
(2016-09-30)Att »gå ut i fält« har länge fått beskriva en mängd metodiska praktiker inom flera olika vetenskapsområden. Ofta förknippas fältstudier med långväga resor till exotiska platser. Men redan botanikern Linné betonade vikten ... -
Four Questions Concerning Love and Friendship
(2016-10-07)This thesis contributes to the contemporary, analytic philosophical debate about love and friendship. Part of this debate concerns the apparent paradox that, while the fact that a person is your loved one doesn’t make ... -
Grammatik i SAOL. En undersökning av grammatisk information i Svenska Akademiens ordlista över 130 år
(Institutionen för svenska språket vid Göteborgs universitet, 2016-09-09)This licentiate thesis deals with the grammatical information provided in the Swedish Academy Glossary (SAOL = Svenska Akademiens ordlista), a Swedish monolingual, contemporary and orthographic dictionary, first published ... -
"Äger du en skruvmejsel?” Litteraturstudiets roll i läromedel för gymnasiets yrkesinriktade program under Lpf 94 och Gy 2011
(2016-09-01)Ph.D. Dissertation at University of Gothenburg Title: “Are you the owner of a screwdriver?” Literature Study in Textbooks Produced for Swedish Vocational Training Programs under two Curricula Author: Katrin Lilja ... -
Den ofrivilliga lyssnaren - möten med butiksmusik
(2016-08-26)The aim of this dissertation is to explore potential customer’s encounters with the phenomena of in-store music. The area chosen for the study is the core shopping district of Gothenburg, Sweden, known as Inom Vallgraven ... -
Displaying Loot. The Benin objects and the British Museum
(2016-08-26)This study deals with the objects, now in the British Museum, that were looted from Benin City, present-day Nigeria, in 1897. It looks at how the museum represents the Benin objects, the Edo/African, the British/Westerner, ... -
Temporalitet i visuell kultur. Om samtidens heterokrona estetiker
(2016-08-15)In contemporary society temporalities in different scales coexist, cooperate and collide. Clock time serves as a main reference for time, although a lot of processes have nothing to do with clock time and can’t be measured ... -
NOCTURNES. Le monde du sommeil dans À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust
(Institutionen för språk och litterturer, 2016)Denna studie kartlägger skildringen av sömn i Marcel Prousts romansvit På spaning efter den tid som flytt. Vad som främst karaktäriserar framställningen är ett slags rumslighet i bildspråket. I Prousts verk beskrivs sömn ... -
A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish
(2016-05-24)The present study investigates the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish. It is a bi-directional study that uses empirical fiction and non-fiction material in the form of original texts and their ... -
Ytnivå Textbas Situationsmodell Begreppsbildning. En studie av läsförståelsens villkor utifrån hur några läroböcker i historia för mellanstadiet skildrar vikingatiden och medeltiden.
(Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet, 2016-05) -
A Universal of Human Interaction? – Manual Movement as Interactional Practice in Spoken and Signed Conversation
(2016-05-13)When humans interact, they may make use of a range of resources, such as head movements, facial expressions, manual movement, body posture and speech. It is assumed that participants both produce and perceive this stream ... -
Museet vid Korsvägen
(2016-04-21) -
A free cloud service for OCR /En fri molntjänst för OCR Project report
(Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet, 2016) -
Beyond Waters: Archaeology and Environmental History of the Amazonian Inland
(University of Gothenburg, 2016)This book is one of the outcomes of the project Cultivated Wilderness: Socio-economic development and environmental change in pre-Columbian Amazonia (http://www.cultivated-wilderness.org/). The project has particularly ... -
Churches, Chapels, and Maya Dwellings of Colonial Yucatán and Belize. A Postcolonial Approach
(2016-03-02)This thesis was conceived as an attempt to use the terms hybridity and third space in historical archaeology with a comparative analysis of early colonial churches and Maya dwellings on the Yucatán Peninsula and Belize. ...