En plattform för digitala läromedel
The goal of this project has been to develop a concept for a digital learning device aimed at the primary school children in the lower grades (1-6). The purpose has been to raise awareness and give ideas on how the integration of digital technology in early grades can be a way to make learning more adapted both to the way the modern children approach information as well as to the skills and needs of the individual student. It also concerns the idea of a less paper-consuming education with the use of digital textbooks and electronic paper.
The background research include theoretical studies on how the introduction of computers in school affect students study skills, motivation and health as well as interviews with teachers and special pedagogue. As part of the target group research a school-day observation was made in a third grade class, following them in a ordinary day in the classroom. Student were also interviewed in small groups of two or three, discussing their views on the schoolbooks, homework, workplaces and their use of computers at school and home. A overview of the market of available student computers was made and a brief insight in upcoming technologies such as e-book readers and centralized, web-based computing.
The ideation and initial sketch process resulted in a concept that was refined through the means of more detailed renderings, mock-up models and shape models in foam that was tested by target group children.
The concept is a multi-mode device that combine the function of a interactive e-book reader with more advanced computing functions of a mobile thin client. Two 8'' screens, one flexible e-paper screen is integrated in a soft cover that protects a TFT-LCD dual mode screen with the possibility to work as both a paper-like reading screen and back-lit computer screen. The screens work together either as a two-page spread book in the reading mode or as screen and touchscreen keyboard/touchpad in the computer mode. When closed the e-paper screen is still exposed and functioning integrated in the cover, giving direct access to the device and serving as a decorative surface when the device is not used — the background image that the user chooses still shows on the e-paper screen without using any battery power.
The result should be considered a concept, the purpose has been to give ideas of how new technology can be applied in future school environments. The design is made with the intention to appeal to the targetgroup but also make it open for the user to personalize the appearance of their own device. The response from the first tests that were made with sketches and models shown to children from the target group were positive, and suggested that the concept would work from a user perspective. However, further development would be needed, such as more refined designed models and functional prototypes, to really evaulate the concept.
Student essay
Other description
Målet med projektet har varit att skapa ett konceptförslag för en platt-form för digitala läromedel, riktad till elever i grundskolans låg- och mellanstadie. Syftet har varit att uppmärksamma och ge idéer hur man med hjälp av ny teknik bättre kan anpassa läromedel till den individuella elevens behov och förutsättningar för lärande samt hur användningen av digitala läromedel och e-papper kan skapa en bättre och mindre papperintensiv skolmiljö.
I bakgrunden till projektet behandlas argument varför integrationen av digital teknik i tidig ålder är viktig för att förbereda eleven för en livslång digital kompetens och det redogörs hur studieresultat, motivation och hälsa påverkas av en mer frekvent datoranvändning i skolan, baserat på befintliga studier och intervjuer med lärare och specialpedagog. Målgruppsstudier har genomförts i form av observation av en skoldag i tredjeklass och intervjuer med elever och lärare. Kortfattat redogörs även för befintliga elevdatorer på marknaden och ny teknik som e-bokläsare och webbbaserad, centraliserad datorkraft. Resultatet är en personlig studentenhet som kombinerar funktionen av en interaktiv e-boksläsare med kapacitet till mer avancerade datorfunktioner i form av en bärbar tunn klient dator. Formatet på produktetn är anpassad till målgruppen, lätt och smidig att ta med sig i som den är eller i skolväskan och formgivningen är anpassad för att användaren själv ska kunna sätta sin personliga prägel på dess uttryck.
Rehnström, Karl
Series/Report no.
DM 2008