Each Day Another Disaster : Politics and Everyday Life in a Palestinian Refugee Camp in the West Bank
This anthropological study examines the ways in which Palestinian camp refugees maintain
everyday life in a situation that is characterized by chronic disruption, fear and mistrust. It
explores how these refugees make sense of displacement and violence and how they uphold a
sense of agency in constraining circumstances. One year of ethnographic fieldwork was carried
out in a West Bank refugee camp during the intifada al-aqsa and this yielded unique data
consisting of interviews and field-notes from participant observation.
The thesis shows how these people deal with repeated emergencies and it elucidates their
struggle to recreate ‘normal order’ and continuity. The maintenance of daily routine, tactics of
resilience, community, memory and morality are significant building blocks in this process. The
data show the creative and often ambivalent means that people use to establish feelings of hope
and trust in spite of difficult conditions. For the camp inhabitants, several dilemmas arise out of
the tension between personal life goals and collective political aims. One such dilemma
concerned return to the refugees’ villages of origin. More than 60 years after their flight, return
continues to be a political and existential theme. However, many refugees are now attempting to
establish new homes outside the camp in their pursuit of a more permanent life. Another major
dilemma concerns the proper way to resist Israel during a militarised uprising; ‘ordinary’ people
try, by practicing ‘steadfastness’, to reconcile a desire to remain political subjects with a wish to
avoid becoming militia or martyrs. The refugees’ focal endeavour is to salvage integrity as they
experience that both their physical and national existence are under threat.
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Global Studies, Social Anthropology ; Institutionen för globala studier, socialantropologi
Lördagen den 13 juni 2009, kl.10.00, sal 220, Annedalsseminariet, Campus Linné, Seminariegatan 1, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Övrig beskrivning
276 pages
Gren, Nina
antropologi, palestinska flyktingar, Västbanken, intifada al-aqsa, politiskt våld, vardagsliv, begränsad agens, normal ordning, återhämtningsförmåga, återvändande
anthropology, Palestinian camp refugees, West Bank, intifada al-aqsa, political violence, everyday life, constrained agency, normal order, resilience, return
Doctoral thesis