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dc.contributor.authorHua, Håkan
dc.contributor.authorScheefe, Sofia
dc.description.abstractCochlear implant has become a common treatment for people with severe hearing loss. As the field of cochlear implants is developing rapidly a larger group of patients will be implanted. Therefore, it can be of interest to identify which complications are most frequently occurring. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify and present the most common complications in cochlear implant treatment and to identify surgical issues that have to be addressed during implantation. Method: A review of retrospective case studies regarding complications has been made. Included articles have been published 2007-2009. Results: Device failure was found to be the most common complication. Among the medical complications wound/flap infection, allergic reaction and electrode extrusion was most frequent occurring. Major intraoperative problems consist of inner ear malformations and ossification of the cochlea. Conclusion: Cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable procedure with a low rate of complications. Device failure is the most common reason for undertaking revision surgery and reimplantation.en
dc.subjectAudiologi, cochleaimplantat, komplikationer, revision, reimplantation, kirurgiska svårigheteren
dc.subjectAudiology, Cochlear implants, complications, revision, reimplantation, surgical issuesen
dc.titleKomplikationer vid behandling med cochleaimplantaten
dc.title.alternativeComplications in cochlear implant treatmenten
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologiswe
dc.contributor.departmentGothenburg University/Institute of Neuroscience and Physiologyen
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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