Die Funktion der Bibel in Brechts Parabelstück Der gute Mensch von Sezuan und in zwei seiner Vorlagen
The Bible has had a considerable impact on Brecht’s literary production, which is already
verified by scholars such as Reinhold Grimm and G. Ronald Murphy. However little
attention has been paid to the influence of the Bible on his parable play “The Good
Person of Szechwan” (1938-1941) or on Brecht’s earlier texts “Arrival of the Gods” (n.
d.) and “Matinee in Dresden” (1926). Neither have the alienation effects
(Verfremdungseffekte) been scrutinized.
This dissertation closely examines connections between Brecht’s texts and the Bible. The
results provide the basis for the investigation of the alienation effects. The biblical
allusions may consist of words, phrases or situations, such as ”the crowing of the rooster.”
Irony and blasphemy can be used to create alienation. Brecht uses the Bible to confront us
with a poetic middle world, in which references to the Bible expose respect/disrespect for
both believers and non-believers.
The proximity of God characterizes the whole parable play. The gods can be looked upon
as a poetic stand in for God in the Bible. They represent the Church in other words an
institution that serves the traditional cultural and political structure and with it the status
quo. The parable play also contains Marxian overtones. The author wants the audience to
become socially active rather than socially contemplative. This transition is supposed to
become materialized through alienation.
Brecht creates a poetic “Zwischenraum” in order to expose a paradox: the current social
conditions seem incompatible with the biblical command to be good. Kindness is shown
to be ruinous to business success. The irony Brecht exposes about human society and
business is that successful existence on God’s earth is incompatible with the human
goodness that God in heaven commands us to have. Brecht would like us to realize that
compassion and generosity are dangerous to business. Similarities and dissimilarities
between Brecht’s gods and God in the Bible give sharpness to the main issue: the
impossibility of letting empathy and love control life.
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Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Humanistiska fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Arts
Department of Languages and Literatures ; Institutionen för språk och litteraturer
Lördagen den 7 november 2009, kl. 10.00, Arkeologen hörsal T:219, Olof Wijksgatan 6
Datum för disputation
Tönning : Der Andere Verlag
Siljeholm, Olof
alienation effects (Verfremdung)
biblical allusions
the gods of Szechwan and God in the Bible
Shen Teh’s double identity
capitalistic society
Brecht, Bertolt
Der gute Mensch von Sezuan
Doctoral thesis
Schwedische Studien zur deutschsprachigen Literatur ; 2