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Visas titlar 1-20 av 422
”A Mother Schooled in Misery” – Mary Wollstonecraft and the Motherhood
(2019-10-03)This essay deals with the enlightenment philosopher Mary Wollstonecrafts views on motherhood. By reading some of Wollstonecrafts works and a collection of her private letters adressed to her lover Gilbert Imlay an ... -
A Narrative Critique of The Saami Bear Myth
(2019-02-04)The Saami bear myth has in the research been closely tied to the bear hunting ritual. When the ritual has been discussed the myth has been narrated and after that the researcher has continued with the bear hunt. There has ... -
A Newer New Age. Irony and the Enchantment of Atheism in Syntheist Religion
(2016-01-29)The purpose of this thesis is to study how the stipulations of religious thought changes as society gets increasingly digitalized, life become more virtual and people get interconnected through the internet. The thesis ... -
Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte: Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utvecklig i Sydafrika.
(2022-01-20)I litteraturstudien ”Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte - Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utveckling i Sydafrika” undersöks på fyra huvudfrågor: Hur ser den Neo-Pentekostala rörelsen ut i Sydafrika ... -
Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet
(2015-06-25)Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and ... -
Alkohol till min nästa? Hur nattvardens gemenskapsmotiv i möte med Lögstrups etik, skulle kunna motivera ett alkoholfritt nattvardsvin i Svenska kyrkan
(2012-02-28)How the Eucharist’s motive of communion in combination with Lögstrup’s ethics could motivate a non-alcoholic sacramental wine in the Church of Sweden. The purpose of this essay is to illuminate the meeting between the ... -
Allsidighet och andlig utveckling i HKK* Ideologisk- och narrativanalys av lärarutbildningstexter *Hem- och konsumentkunskap
(2021-03-16)Den här uppsatsens syfte är breddning av lärares förståelse av den mänskliga rättigheten till allsidighet eller pluralism i Sveriges utbildningssystem och barns rätt till andlig utveckling i skolan, utifrån kristen ... -
Allvarligt Blod - en studie av menstruation i Tanach och Talmud
(2017-08-15)The aim of this study is to examine the menstrual regulations and taboos for women in early Judaism, and what purpose they had. The general and most common perception connected to corporal fluids is that they are pollutive ... -
Androidvetenskapen och den kusliga dalen: Japanska robotar som forskningsplattformar och filosofiska leksaker
(2014-01-21)The primary aim of this essay is to analyse, contextualise and problematise the scientific and technological goals of android science. The starting point of this investigation is the history of automata and man’s attempts ... -
Aniaras kvinnor – det andra könet ombord? En studie av Harry Martinsons epos Aniara ur ett genusperspektiv
(2021-04-08)This essay examines the power relation between men and women by looking at gender stereotypes and patriarchal structures in Aniara, an epos on verse by Harry Martinson written in 1956. Aniara is often described as a dystopian ... -
Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire - en gotisk Lolita
(2011-04-27)Part of the great acclaim for Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire (1976) is due to the way she renews the vampire story by reinforcing the traditional erotic dimension and, as a result of this, the way she examines ... -
Aslan som en bild av treenigheten Går det att använda lejonet Aslan i Narnia som en bild av treenigheten?
(2013-02-08)"Children's book is the best style means if you have something to say" is a quote by CS Lewis that I focused on in this essay. As a future priest, I am aware of the problems that explain some of the Christian church ... -
Asylsökande konvertiter och myndighetens katekesförhör. En studie om konvertiters asylprocess med Migrationsverket
(2018-01-26)This essay examines twelve interview protocols from the Swedish Board of Migration done with converts who claim their conversion as reason for asylum. The aim of the study is twofold: To understand the Migration Board´s ... -
Atopon. En intersektionell studie över svenska gymnasieungdomars tal om religion, etnicitet, klass och kön
(2014-07-01)This master’s thesis problematizes how students in two Swedish secondary schools think and speak about, and relate to, topics such as gender, class, ethnicity, religion and sex, but also how they move in, make use of, and ... -
Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"
(2014-01-28)The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette’s narratology and Andrew Gibson’s narrative ethics this study seeks to ... -
Att fira en måltid. En undersökning av den paulinska nattvardsteologins relation till social rättvisa utifrån Första Korintierbrevet 11:17-34
(2017-06-16)The aim of this study is to investigate the connection between Pauline Eucharist theology in relation to social justice by the First epistle to the Corinthians 11:17–34. What does a textual analysis of 1 Cor. 11:17–34 say ... -
Att fly sin kropp. En studie om gränsöverskridning i Sara Stridsbergs prosa
(2013-07-03)Sara Stridsberg’s novels Happy Sally, Drömfakulteten and Darling River are all brimming with literary images of movement and becoming. The physical aspects of being a female subject in becoming highlights the enfleshed ... -
Att föda kön och klass. En studie av modersmotivet i Alfred Kämpes "Trälar"
(2014-10-06)The purpose of this text is to show how the mother motif is portrayed in four selected novels by Alfred Kämpe, but the thesis also serves the purpose of emphasizing the fact that the mother motif can be seen interacting ...