Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 422
Inte mot min natur. Diskurser om sjukt och friskt vid tiden för avkriminalisering av homosexualitet i Sverige.
(2022-02-17)This essay examines how a disease discourse of homosexuality became the dominant discourse that pushed the debate on the decriminalization of homosexuality in Sweden forward. The essay shows that arguments for homosexuals’ ... -
Uppdukat för särskiljning I det borgerliga hemmet runt sekelskiftet 1900
(2022-02-16)Sammanfattning Vad kan ett uppdukat bord i en museimonter säga oss om särskiljning av kön och klass i det borgerliga hemmet vid sekelskiftet 1900? Det kommer denna uppsats att undersöka genom att belysa den borgerliga ... -
Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte: Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utvecklig i Sydafrika.
(2022-01-20)I litteraturstudien ”Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte - Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utveckling i Sydafrika” undersöks på fyra huvudfrågor: Hur ser den Neo-Pentekostala rörelsen ut i Sydafrika ... -
Gabrielle Suchons ord till kvinnan (Textuella förutsättningar, språkliga ytterligheter och symboliskt värde)
(2021-12-08)Gabrielle Suchon (1632-1703), was a seventeenth century philosopher, convinced by the equality of the sexes. Her debut thesis, Ethics and Politics - Divided into Three Parts: Freedom, Knowledge and Authority, is regarded ... -
Homo stupidus eller imago Dei? En studie i neandertalarnas teologiska status.
(2021-11-19)Abstract: This paper is a student essay in systematic theology about the theological status of the Neanderthals. What can we say about these close relatives on the tree of life that are our cousins the Neanderthals? Are ... -
Mandragora - Traditionsskapande inom den mörkermagiska orden Mandragora Nox i skuggan av splittringen från Dragon Rouge
(2021-11-18)Abstract: This study is about Mandragora Nox, a Swedish Left-Hand Path order which founding is linked to a schism within the largest Swedish Left-Hand Path group Dragon Rouge. In this thesis, light is shed upon aspects ... -
Uppväckande av döda i berättelsen av Lukas Likheter och skillnader i uppväckande av döda i Lukasevangeliet och Apostlagärningarna
(2021-11-17)Sammandrag Denna uppsats vill analysera berättelserna om hur döda uppväcks så som det beskrivs av Lukas i Lukasevangeliet och Apostlagärningarna. Med hjälp av en narrativkritisk analys ska jag undersöka likheter och ... -
"Men vad ska du dit å göra?" Lesbiska präster i Göteborgs stift
(2021-10-04)The diocese of Gothenburg is one of thirteen dioceses in the Church of Sweden. The diocese carries a history of a resistance towards female priests as well as LGBT people even though the theological development has been ... -
"Vi inhämtar aldrig information utan att på något sätt omvandla den" En tematisk studie av "Det sällsamma djuret från norr"
(2021-09-28)This study examines how consciousness is presented in Lars Gustafsson's science fiction novel Det sällsamma djuret från norr. My reading concentrates not only biological consciousness but also artificially and how these ... -
Newspeak – det totalitära språket
(2021-09-09)After the Second World War, several books came out about the life in dictatorships. In 1947, Nazi survivor Victor Klemperer published LTI, Lingua Tertii Imperii, about the particular language used in The Third Reich. ... -
Samtida mottagande och sentida litteraturhistorieskrivning - Amalia Fahlstedt, en 1880-talsförfattarinna
(2021-09-07)Amalia Fahlstedt (1853 – 1923) was a Swedish author of the 1880s. Her debut I flygten: berättelser (1882) contains a couple of short stories and a realistic approach, a common feature of the time. Her main theme was gender ... -
”Jag sa till mor, att det aldrig kunde vara riktigt att bara arbeta” Diskussioner om hemarbete i det sena fyrtiotalets Sverige
(2021-07-15)In the autumn of 1948, the listening competition Vettigt hemarbete (Judicious Housework) was announced on the Swedish radio. The task was to answer the question "How do you solve your housewife situation?". The following ... -
Jagets reflektion. En studie av överlappningen mellan självframställning av identitet och självreflexiv poetologi inom poesi
(2021-07-05)The study examines the overlap between productions of self-identity and self-reflexive poetology in contemporary Swedish poetry. In the recent decades, modern poetics has increasingly expressed itself self-reflectively, ... -
Rollen av det poetiska språket i "Den Nya Vetenskapen" av Giambattista Vico
(2021-07-05)In the seventeenth century the Italian rhetorician Giambattista Vico imagined the history of human civilization in his major work The New Science. He conceived the progression of humanity from barbarism along the way towards ... -
Från stat till marknad Apoteksväsendet och nyliberaliseringen i den politisk-ekonomiska diskursen, 1968–2008
(2021-06-16)This thesis examines the shift in the Swedish politico-economic discourse between 1968-2008, using the pharmacy sector as a case study. Through the framework of discourse analysis outlined by Laclau & Mouffe (1985), I study ... -
Jagets reflektion. En studie av överlappningen mellan självframställning av identitet och självreflexiv poetologi inom poesi
(2021-06-16)The study examines the overlap between productions of self-identity and self-reflexive poetology in contemporary Swedish poetry. In the recent decades, modern poetics has increasingly expressed itself self-reflectively, ... -
Droppar i rashavet: En vithetskritisk läsning av Maria Sandels Droppar i folkhavet
(2021-06-16)Although critical whiteness studies have yet to form a stable footing within the Swedish literary academia, its recognition within the field is increasing. The recent surge in research concerning early Swedish working-class ... -
"Glädje och frihet från resten av världen" En kvalitativ undersökning om gymnasieelever som älskar att titta på tv-serier på fritiden
(2021-04-29)The aim of this paper is to examine the engaging and motivational factors of television series among students in an upper secondary school in Western Sweden who state they enjoy this form of multimedia in their leisure ... -
Kvinnors rättigheter eller exploatering av kvinnor? Den polariserade prostitutionsdebatten
(2021-04-12)This study elaborates on Swedish ideas on prostitution, in contemporary debates as well as throughout history. The aim of this study is to explore current views on prostitution in the public Swedish debate by relating them ... -
Aniaras kvinnor – det andra könet ombord? En studie av Harry Martinsons epos Aniara ur ett genusperspektiv
(2021-04-08)This essay examines the power relation between men and women by looking at gender stereotypes and patriarchal structures in Aniara, an epos on verse by Harry Martinson written in 1956. Aniara is often described as a dystopian ...